What radical twaddle. You're spouting ideological intersectional carp.
I am just trying to explain what the sentencing council are saying. Maybe not everyone is aware of the argument they are making.
What radical twaddle. You're spouting ideological intersectional carp.
Because they are there to inform their decisions, not prescribe them. The judge must still look at all the factors. Prison sentences have massively increased over the years and so has offending, so somethings not working. That is the challenge for society unless you favour the lock up em up and throw away the key approach . Not even Bobby J has adopt that approachWhat would be the point of pre sentence reports if they aren't to effect judges decisions on sentencing.
Pre sentence reports are there to pressure judges to give more lenient sentences to specific cohorts or else every person found guilty of a criminal offence would have a pre sentence report.Because they are there to inform their decisions, not prescribe them. The judge must still look at all the factors. Prison sentences have massively increased over the years and so has offending, so somethings not working. That is the challenge for society unless you favour the lock up em up and throw away the key approach . Not even Bobby J has adopt that approach
Pre sentence reports are there to pressure judges to give more lenient sentences to specific cohorts or else every person found guilty of a criminal offence would have a pre sentence report.
Yes I believe a criminal should pay penance when they have committed an act of criminality. By the sound of it, you think they shouldn't even get a slap on the wrist. Prisons have become like youth clubs. They need overhauling.
That is verging on a conspiracy theoryPre sentence reports are there to pressure judges to give more lenient sentences to specific cohorts or else every person found guilty of a criminal offence would have a pre sentence report.
That bad is itPrisons have become like youth clubs.
You're nuts.That is verging on a conspiracy theory
18 days to go until being a white heterosexual or homosexual male will see you sentenced differently for committing a crime in the UK in comparison to an ethnic heterosexual or homosexual male or female.
Nobody is putting pressure on judges, they take into account what they are required to. The British judicial system is not run like a headline writing meeting at the daily failYou're nuts.
Are you dumb or just full on commie? Let me spell it out for you. Pre Sentence reports must be considered by judges when considering sentencing for certain cohorts. They aren't take it or leave it. They aren't applicable to all offenders.Nobody is putting pressure on judges, they take into account what they are required to. The British judicial system is not run like a headline writing meeting at the daily fail
and there could be a dozen or more reasons why which are nothing to do with ethnic group. If you look at what PSRs are and how they are conducted, you will be aware that this enables the offender to bring in to account circumstances which might lead to a lower sentence.Some evidence seems to suggest there is a disparity in sentencing between different groups, but in any event pre sentencing reports don’t require a lighter sentence, sentencing still being down to the judge.
Well I'm mixed race and I don't see why I should be singled out for special treatment if I were to commit a crime. What the hell has my skin colour got to do with it?!? It is all radical ideology.Wonder what they will do if offenders are half caste.
Are you dumb or just full on commie? Let me spell it out for you. Pre Sentence reports must be considered by judges when considering sentencing for certain cohorts. They aren't take it or leave it. They aren't applicable to all offenders.
or risk an appeal.I don't think it is quite that prescriptive. I think the wording is "will normally be considered necessary".
Nothing, which is why disproportionate sentencing is unfair.What the hell has my skin colour got to do with it?!
Listen up white boy. I don't and the majority like me don't want special favours because we happen to have a bit more melanin in our skin. This is the definition of racism. I'm ffing sick of it.Nothing, which is why disproportionate sentencing is unfair.