Valdo Calocane

And that response is as much about living in a free society - one where you don't just go around detaining anyone you don't like the look of - as it is about lack of resources.
And yet plod are happy enough to detain people they merely think might be about to protest peacefully about something like climate change...

Double standards driven by political ideology!
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Would you apply that same logic to for example, a person running down a street wielding a scaffold pole chasing someone with intent on doing them harm?
Don’t be so ****ing stupid. I told you, two ****s tried to pinch my bike. I saw them off. They have never returned. Lessons were taught and learned that day - don’t fùck with Motties stuff!

Another excuse to show my 'lesson'. ;)

And yet plod are happy enough to detain people they merely think might be about to protest peacefully about something like climate change...

Double standards driven by political ideology!
There’s a difference between detaining someone temporarily who is suspected to about to cause a disruption and inconvenience many others and treating a mental patient on a permanent basis - which isn’t 'plods' job. What’s your solution then?
Don’t be so ****ing stupid. I told you, two ****s tried to pinch my bike. I saw them off. They have never returned. Lessons were taught and learned that day - don’t fùck with Motties stuff!
It's one thing to defend yourself/your property with the appropriate force...

But to charge down the street scaffold pole in hand like a raging lunatic after you had seen off the threat to your bike?

You truly have a serious anger management problem, which that post highlights...

Get some help before you become the next headline nutter!
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Bloke was a total fruit cake and posed a danger to others

Should have been banged up
Under some inderminate sentence or deported some where ?
There’s a difference between detaining someone temporarily who is suspected to about to cause a disruption and inconvenience many others and treating a mental patient on a permanent basis - which isn’t 'plods' job. What’s your solution then?
Bring back a proper mental health policy with adequate funding instead of constant cuts in order to 'reward' the rich...

But hey you voted for the opposite!

And I guess you believe the right to protest is an 'inconvenience' whatever the cause?

And that arrest without any offence being committed is ok?
But to charge down the street scaffold pole in hand like a raging lunatic after you had seen off the threat to your bike?
I decide when I’ve seen off the threat to my property, not others. For all you or I know, they could have been carrying weapons and were prepared to use them. They needed to know what to expect if they returned. Funnily enough, they never did. Why do you think that was - any ideas?
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Bring back a proper mental health policy with adequate funding instead of constant cuts in order to 'reward' the rich...

But hey you voted for the opposite!
But hey, what government would do different or do you still think it’s "plods" job"? "Bring back"? Who will you be voting for to "bring back" this proper mental health policy you talk about?
It's one thing to defend yourself/your property with the appropriate force...

But to charge down the street scaffold pole in hand like a raging lunatic after you had seen off the threat to your bike?

You truly have a serious anger management problem, which that post highlights...

Get some help before you become the next headline nutter!

Nonsense any one breaking into yer house or yer van becomes an out law there fore be prepared to give up there lives (under certain circumstances )

Any breaking into tradesmen vans pinching tools should spend the rest of there lives eating there meals through a straw
I decide when I’ve seen off the threat to my property, not others.
Ah, so you admit to breaking the law...

For all you or I know, they could have been carrying weapons and were prepared to use them.
Well from what we know you were carrying a weapon and as shown prepared to use it...

Now maybe you will now tell us what you would have done had you caught up with the person you believed to have tried to nick your bike when in a public street?

And had someone decided to stop a scaffold pole wielding maniac in a public street, would you think their actions justified?
Ah, so you admit to breaking the law...

Well from what we know you were carrying a weapon and as shown prepared to use it...

Now maybe you will now tell us what you would have done had you caught up with the person you believed to have tried to nick your bike when in a public street?

And had someone decided to stop a scaffold pole wielding maniac in a public street, would you think their actions justified?

I think you’ll find I asked you a couple of questions first. Posts #22 & #23. Let’s play a game. You answer my questions and I’ll answer yours. Deal?
I think you’ll find I asked you a couple of questions first. Posts #22 & #23. Let’s play a game. You answer my questions and I’ll answer yours. Deal?
Thought not.

Let's care for these people in the community.

Great idea.

Emmmm, slight issue, crumbling services that can't adequately care for and monitor them.

Oh yeah, my usual stance on this applies. Killed someone in cold blood? Locked up for life, as in life. Done, dusted.
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