Major Incident In Southport

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It's one example of your persistent violent racist, fraudster, lying, hypocritical behaviour.
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You want others to reveal their identity and opinion of you.
Many are probably wary of your inherent spiteful attitude, and your willingness to weaponise personal details. that you demonstrate regularly.
Why not try an anonymous poll?
But their opinion is immaterial.

Because the facts still stand:
Your a self-confessed fraudster who fraudulently obtained a MOT certificate for use in Spain even though you openly admit that the car never returned to UK in that time. You were probably a MOT tester during that time.

You've been proven to be a liar by claiming that you were operating legally in Spain because you were taxing, testing and insuring the car, that you were using in Spain, on UK registration. Your tax, MOT and insurance would have been nullified.

You were ferrying yourself and your family about Spain in an illegal vehicle, and you knew it was illegal.

You regularly post racist innuendo to foment community tensions.

You accuse foreigners of using illegal vehicles when the processes exist for the police to easily crush such vehicles, and prosecute the drivers and keepers.

You intentionally and knowing used an illegal vehicle in Spain.

you've demonstrated your dishonesty, and you've claimed to be a teacher (and role model) for wayward youths, employed (directly or indirectly) by the local authority.

Is that enough for now?:rolleyes:

Can anything you claim, be relied on as trustworthy?
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You’ve answered your own question

95% of the rioting is white thugs….no point asking them politely
He's currently doing a lot of swerving, nothing about the point of the thread, to avoid the actual issues.

Using the trainers as deflection again
View attachment 351226

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson (centre) marches with supporters in central London on July 27 © Henry Nicholls/AFP/Getty Images

Stephen stands front and centre with those he's been encouraging to act. Oh wait ...

95% of the rioting is white thugs….no point asking them politely
No point asking some to come quietly either. If one continues to fight the cops they appear to often use 3 to subdue them. Makes me wonder about older style riot squads as they hurt - under circumstances like these anyway at times. They would be facing baton charges. I wondered about finding some rather old video to show people what i meant that could even include horse charges. More links about disbanding them than anything else. They do need using with a lot of care and not a good idea for some to stand around watching as they may get dragged in. The French police can be more reactive at times as some may have noticed during a football instance not all that long ago, Our police have moved to a gentler persuasive approach and keeping rival groups apart. :( Fact is they are likely to get criticised however they handle things.
Stephen stands front and centre with those he's been encouraging to act. Oh wait ...

Did the self styled "Greatest living Englishman" use his Irish passport to get into Cyprus.Lol.
Okay then, Apart from Himmy, does anyone feel that I have heightened community tension by my "Black Nikes matter" post?
Just makes you look like a dick. Deliberate trolling to get a response using race as the punchline.

And Doubt fire is making themselves look ridiculous by biting.
Good to see :LOL: :LOL:

What we need is more plod giving them protestors a kick in the ead

Violence put em in wheel chairs were they can spend the next few years sucking there meals through a straw

All them
Politicians living in there affluent areas should be forced to live in some of these areas on some estates let them deal with the threats intimidation
Violence damage to there property be frightened to venture out

Same goes for all the do gooders ?? Worried about some violent scum bags human rights ?

Care in the community for those with previous violent past ??let all the do gooders and concerned have them live in there house ;)

They care so much ? Than they would be pleased to take part ?? But as per usual there all p*** and wind ???
Should plod be kicking in the head van drivers on their mobiles, or audi drivers who drop litter and fag ends,, where do the opportunities end?
You want others to reveal their identity and opinion of you.
Many are probably wary of your inherent spiteful attitude, and your willingness to weaponise personal details. that you demonstrate regularly.
Why not try an anonymous poll?
But their opinion is immaterial.

Because the facts still stand:
Your a self-confessed fraudster who fraudulently obtained a MOT certificate for use in Spain even though you openly admit that the car never returned to UK in that time. You were probably a MOT tester during that time.

You've been proven to be a liar by claiming that you were operating legally in Spain because you were taxing, testing and insuring the car, that you were using in Spain, on UK registration. Your tax, MOT and insurance would have been nullified.

You were ferrying yourself and your family about Spain in an illegal vehicle, and you knew it was illegal.

You regularly post racist innuendo to foment community tensions.

You accuse foreigners of using illegal vehicles when the processes exist for the police to easily crush such vehicles, and prosecute the drivers and keepers.

You intentionally and knowing used an illegal vehicle in Spain.

you've demonstrated your dishonesty, and you've claimed to be a teacher (and role model) for wayward youths, employed (directly or indirectly) by the local authority.

Is that enough for now?:rolleyes:

Can anything you claim, be relied on as trustworthy?
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