Valdo Calocane

The thing that scares me about anybody armed with a weapon (be it a bandit or their victim) is not the rights and wrongs of it, but once you attack, that could be it, game over.

A swift decision in haste and anger (or fear) could lead to a whole lot of misery.
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Why waste money keeping this pile of s##t alive, hang him, its not as if he could possibly be inocent. like Lee Rigbys killer.
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Family of the murdered victims are not happy with

The verdict of manslaughter
Just watching an article on TV. Apparently it was his 'right' to refuse treatment and his 'right' to refuse to take his medication when he was diagnosed as bonkers when he was discharged back into the community. Unbelievable!
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Realistically, what's the alternative?
Lock him up or force him to take his meds, not discharge him because he failed to turn up for appointments. Lazy bastards. I really think it should be an offence for health workers, parole boards or other 'specialists' that fail to do their job properly.
Lock him up or force him to take his meds, not discharge him because he failed t turn up for appointments.

How do you force someone to take meds in the community? Is there a system in place? I don't know anything about this.
How do you force someone to take meds in the community? Is there a system in place? I don't know anything about this.
I don't know either. Make it a condition of their ‘release' that they turn up at certain times at certain places to take their meds or face being taken back in?
I don't know either. Make it a condition of their ‘release' that they turn up at certain times at certain places to take their meds or face being taken back in?

I've just found this on Mind website.

Just watching an article on TV. Apparently it was his 'right' to refuse treatment and his 'right' to refuse to take his medication when he was diagnosed as bonkers when he was discharged back into the community. Unbelievable!
Unfortunately, but not unsurprisingly, people who are mentally ill are convinced that they're not.
Just like people who are habitual liars, criminals or racist are convinced that they're not.

While there is insufficient accommodation, due to insufficient funding, for such mentally ill people, decisions about who to allow back into society, and who to restrain within secure perimeters have to be made. Difficult decisions have o be made and mistakes will occur.
If those who should be restricted and permanently supervised are allowed to wander, they are judged to have full control of their faculties.

Perhaps you have a suggestion as to how people who have been allowed into society can be monitored to ensure they are taking their medication?
Lock him up or force him to take his meds, not discharge him because he failed to turn up for appointments. Lazy bastards. I really think it should be an offence for health workers, parole boards or other 'specialists' that fail to do their job properly.
You can't resolve a problem that needs resources without those resources being available.
Provide sufficient funding and the problem is resolved.
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