Major Incident In Southport

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OK, point taken. Palestinians wasn't the best comparison, Gaza isn't being flooded by migrants.
Not the best comparison but there are lessons to be learned.
Uncontrolled immigration inevitably leads to conflict between the indigenous population and immigrants.
Not the best comparison but there are lessons to be learned.
Uncontrolled immigration inevitably leads to conflict between the indigenous population and immigrants.
Although the comparison is better used in regard to Israeli immigration in the 50s and 60s.
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Has there been an official denial that he was on the MI6 watchlist?

Would it actually be MI5?

But on the broader point, would the police ever respond to rumours in the media or on social media?
And all because there was false news going around, saying this lad was an illegal immigrant.

The Authorities need to tell the truth about these incidents, so the public know they are being dealt with correctly.

This deliberate obfuscation causes public mistrust and unrest.

The people to blame are the far right agitators for stoking hatred.

Not the police for following the normal and proper procedures.

We can't bow to the baying mob.
Although the comparison is better used in regard to Israeli immigration in the 50s and 60s.
The Jewish population of Palestine was around 5% at one time, with growing Zionist immigration from Europe, that began to change, the indigenous population became increasingly alarmed, that is when relationships between Arabs and Jews began to change, paranoia about loss of identity and country to alien culture and religion triggered extreme violence and eventually war.

The same paranoia among sections of the white working class in Britain is manifesting itself in the form of rising Islamaphobia, mass demonstrations, and violence against the Police.

Belief in conspiracy theories like the great replacement and the WEF orchestrating mass immigration are growing.
There's a reason for the justice system to keep these details quiet. Especially because of the sort of 'vigilante ' racist hooliganism from people who demanded to know it.

There's no excuse for the racist arseholes who have been rioting and attacking the police and religious buildings. A few years inside will do them good.
Baseless rumours were spread on social media, misidentifying the suspect and falsely claiming that he was a refugee when, in fact, he was born in Wales.

Actor Laurence Fox, one of the users of X who shared the information, called on supporters to gather at Downing Street at 7pm on Wednesday.

After riots broke out on the streets of Southport last night, thousands of right-wing protesters descended on Whitehall in London tonight.

Some were seen wearing t-shirts with the faces of the three Southport victims as they staged an 'Enough is Enough' protest about illegal immigration.

Dozens of protesters, many of whom were drinking, were detained by police as violent scuffles broke out.

Police in Merseyside called in support from forces across the region to avoid a second night of rioting.

Violence erupted near the town's mosque on Tuesday after false rumours circulated online about the suspect.
When there is a high profile attack the police often say that, as far as they know, it is not terror related. This seems to be a standard procedure. I have a couple of questions about this. Firstly, why do they do this? Is it to re-assure the country that they are not anticipating further attacks. If so, that seems sensible to me. And then my other question, how many times have the police said it isn't terror related, but we found out later that it was.
Uncontrolled immigration inevitably leads to conflict between the indigenous population and immigrants.
Of course the apartheid policy, disputing and denying of property and persecution of the indigenous population has no effect. :rolleyes:
When there is a high profile attack the police often say that, as far as they know, it is not terror related. This seems to be a standard procedure.
Perhaps terror-related offences are investigated differently, and even by a specialist branch.
Terrorists might have access to a different 'mitigating' plea than plain criminals.
It could open up an international dimension to the case and the pleas.

It seems to make sense to consider it as a purely criminal act in order to avoid any 'muddying of the waters'.
Until, and if, it becomes designated as a terror related act.
FYI, Refute means "to prove (a statement or theory) to be wrong or false; disprove".
Yes, that's the real definition, but it's used so often to mean deny (without evidence) that that meaning is becoming acceptable. Meanings of words change.
Whereas to police means "the civil force of a state, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order".
No, that's a definition of police as a noun. To police is a verb form.
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