Major Incident In Southport

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The trial will be in the courts, not on social media.
We don't need to speculate about the legitimacy of the defence case nor the mitigating factors.
Most will present their arguments depending on their prejudice.
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Marketing data would probably say that a butter knife is the most popular knife that is bought in the U.K. but feral youths would more than likely carry a zombie knife or a machete but go on then, put up this marketing data you have.
A butter knife, nor a machete is something that is displayed for fashion.
Try again with a better analogy.
Why do you guess that? It was reported on the BBC web site but it’s not the urban myth you were sucked into, was it?
It was originally reported on the BBC news, so I guess they were the origin then? :rolleyes:

But I note you haven't commented on the apparent 'urban myth' about the accused killer being a muslim that is fueling much of the right wing racist rioting ;)
It was originally reported on the BBC news, so I guess they were the origin then? :rolleyes:

But I note you haven't commented on the apparent 'urban myth' about the accused killer being a muslim that is fueling much of the right wing racist rioting ;)
Correct. Only one of us is sucked in by urban myths and it’s not me!
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Definately so.
Definitely huh ? A good read..

So how did the protests - starting in Southport and spreading to London, Hartlepool, Manchester and Aldershot - begin?

Merseyside Police have publicly identified the English Defence League (EDL) as a key factor.

While there are people who describe themselves as EDL supporters, the organisation ceased to exist in any formal sense after its founder, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - who uses the alias Tommy Robinson - focused on spreading his message on social media platforms, where he has a sizeable following.

But its core ideas - in particular an opposition to illegal immigration, mixed with indiscriminate and racist claims about Muslims - are very much alive, and loudly and widely spread among sympathisers online.

Thrown into this mix are tropes from conspiracy theories that “elites” are somehow covering up the truth - including the abuse of British children.

An influencer on X associated with Yaxley-Lennon, who posts under the name of “Lord Simon”, was among the first to publicly call for nationwide protests. His account promoted false claims that the alleged Southport attacker had been an asylum seeker, recently arrived in the UK by boat. His video has been viewed over a million times.

“We have to hit the streets. We have to make a huge impact all around the country. Every city needs to go up everywhere,” he said.

It's almost like it's a political aim, now that the right wing tories have been moved on
Correct. Only one of us is sucked in by urban myths and it’s not me!
As usual you've got it a*se about face...

You got sucked in during 2016 to multiple urban myths...

But if you didn't get sucked in by the rumours about the faith of the accused killer, could you tell about the reasons behind the right wing rioting and why mosques are under threat?
As usual you've got it a*se about face...

You got sucked in during 2016 to multiple urban myths...

But if you didn't get sucked in by the rumours about the faith of the accused killer, could you tell about the reasons behind the right wing rioting and why mosques are under threat?
Apparently it's all about black trainers !
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