Major Incident In Southport

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Lots of of EU immigrants who applied for indefinite right to remain had been here many years, 10, 15, 20 years.

3 million of them applied for settled status which requires living here over 5 years.

Many of them have made the U.K. their home, are in relationships often with Brits, have settled with a house, family, career.

Lots of EU people that came to work here are highly educated people in high powered, technical jobs……they contribute a huge amount to our economy
Agreed, its the brexxers who are hoist by their own petard of xenophobia on this one
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Have you got a link to this? I'd be interested to read, watch, hear the article.
What if they’re like the 'links' you provided for 'marketing data' for non-black trainers that you reluctantly provided that didn’t contain a single piece of data? Would that be acceptable to you? What if they kept on regurgitating the same advertising websites and 'best of' lists until you got fed up asking? Would that be acceptable to you?
The brexers were, at the time of the referendum.

Short memory ?
Must be. Can you remind me of the posts saying that we didn’t want established highly skilled EU residents who paid their way?

At the time of the referendum it would be six years before you signed up to this forum so what do you know about what was being said on here six years before you joined? I joined eight months after the referendum and I don’t know what was being said at the time.
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The old saying 'That when the pot boils the scum rises to the top',these protests are evidence of the veracity of that old saying.
White working class care worker has the car she needs for work burned by protesters protesting that white working class workers are no longer safe in their own country.
The question is, Who from?
The right wingers blame illegal immigration and tacitly encourage and support the riots, then get confused when it turns out the boats aren't responsible. It can't be that brexhit voting reform supporters are doing bad things either because the right wing playbook says only left wingers and ethnic minorities loot and steal and create public disorder.
What if they’re like the 'links' you provided for 'marketing data' for non-black trainers that you reluctantly provided that didn’t contain a single piece of data? Would that be acceptable to you? What if they kept on regurgitating the same advertising websites and 'best of' lists until you got fed up asking? Would that be acceptable to you?
There was nothing wrong with the presented information. It was just you that dismissed it because it didn't coincide with your personal opinion.
No , because even the most rabid brexxers didn't want to harm the economy that badly
Maybe you forgot news items concerning some telling all to go home. Some is generally the cause of all sorts of problems. it seems some seem to think all should have been sent back and don't understand why not.

Mrs D. Obviously doesn't watch the same news as me. I wonder what the info sources are?

Me. BBC 6pm fits in with eating dinner and generally always has. C4 comes next and we seldom do much of interest between 7 and 8pm or see anything else worth watching.
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