Major Incident In Southport

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Ffs, did you really just say that. Can you even explain what it means?
Ffs Wokeism, is well known....

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Ffs Wokeism, is well known....

The bit you missed out, is that it is used by the rwr .
Good to see the police containing the demos with professionalism, unlike the hothead that kicked the bloke in the head the other day. The arguments used to justify that over the top response could be used to justify much more serious physical response to the far right demos, but haven't been wheeled out for some reason,
How do you think it will all end.
The problem is the level of immigration, unless it is reduced then things will only get worse.
Why didn't the Tories put a stop to mass immigration, they were in power for 14 years after all.
Have always wondered why several million eu citizens who moved here under FoM rules were given unlimited right to remain after brexhit, logically they should have all been sent home and the brits given their jobs. But not even the most rabid brexxers suggested it, I wonder why.
Good morning all.

Omg ive Honestly I've not heard such a load of narrow minded stuck in a bedroom forum talk since..I was on here yesterday.

Who says?

Ok so let's confirm a few things.
Yes, let's do that.

The Southport riots were heavily populated by the far right.

An influencer on X associated with Yaxley-Lennon, who posts under the name of “Lord Simon”, was among the first to publicly call for nationwide protests. His account promoted false claims that the alleged Southport attacker had been an asylum seeker, recently arrived in the UK by boat. His video has been viewed over a million times.

“We have to hit the streets. We have to make a huge impact all around the country. Every city needs to go up everywhere,” he said.

In London they were chanting for Yaxley Lennon and featured Lawrence Fox.

During the protest, staged under the title of Enough is Enough, fireworks and flares were let off near a statue of Winston Churchill and towards the gates of Downing Street.

The angry scenes also included loud chants of “We want our country back” and “Oh Tommy Robinson,” referring to the rightwing activist whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon

Hartlepool has had some guilty pleas and the names of those charged so you can see names. If you had time you could check Facebook and Twitter.

They targeted a Mosque, that typically a target for the far right and there were reports of Tommy Robinson chanting.

Manchester featured 'stop the boats' and more Tommy Robinson chanting.

The Aldershot protest was outside and asylum seeker hotel. Im betting that wasn't a 'Gays against Nazis' protest.

These protests are being organized by the far right and they're hitting all the usual far right targets. Muslims, Asylum seekers and the Police.
I recall that eminent (?) politician Shirley Williams (RIP) made a speech at the Labour Party conference where she spoke of the
Fascists of the left
Indeed. Oswald Mosely the founder of the British Fascist movement, was, at one time, a Labour MP.
He was very much like Farage, tried every angle:
The British Union of Fascists, later called the British Union of Fascists and National Socialists, was founded in1932 by Sir Oswald Mosley, a wealthy baronet with a distinguished war record, who had been, successively, a Conservative, Independent, and then a Labour Member of Parliament.

Shirley Williams, left the left'ish Labour party and moved to the centre of British politics to help found the Social Democratic party. (SDP).
By the time of her retirement she was a Lib Dem.

IMO the Lib Dem are now slightly to the left of the current Labour Party.

The perpetual pendulum of British politics. :rolleyes:
Because we as a large majority
These rioters have:

Attacked the police and torched police cars
Looted shops
Attacked a Mosque
Featured people with Nazi tattoos marching proudly int heir midst.

If you think they're the ones in the right, of you identify more with them than anyone else then I've got news for you. You aren't part of any majority. If you think they're being hard done by you probably aren't even part of the right wing minority.
Keir needs to do one thing. Stop and reverse immigration, every leader has promised this and dismally failed. He won't and things will get worse.
Kamala Harris is making inroads into the migration at the southern border of the USA.

Border Patrol agents recorded the fewest monthly migrant apprehensions since 2021 on southern border.​

The number of migrants apprehended by federal authorities after illegally crossing the border into Texas decreased roughly 32% in June — a sharp drop seen across the entire U.S.-Mexico border, according to federal statistics released this week.

Some are putting the reason for success on Biden's immigration policy.
But in the background, mostly unreported, Kamala Harris has been attacking the problem at source by creating jobs in the countries from where the migrants originate.
There's also been a phone app introduced to allow migrants to book an appointment with border officials.

Dealing with migration at the southern border was a task assigned to her by Biden.
It's beginning to look like she's smashed it.
Some people are always going to be angry. I remember telling Brexiters at the time of the referendum that Brexit wouldn't make them happy. I said they would just find something else to be angry about and that it would probably be non-white immigration.
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