Major Incident In Southport

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Only in your opinion, designed to suit your denial narrative. :rolleyes:
Data is figures, not personal 'top ten' lists in my mind. Obviously not in yours though. Carry on trying to justify your 'data' - I'm not interested any more.
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Because they were taking the "Black jobs"? a la Trump. :rolleyes:
No , because even the most rabid brexxers didn't want to harm the economy that badly
Maybe you forgot news items concerning some telling all to go home. Some is generally the cause of all sorts of problems. it seems some seem to think all should have been sent back and doesn't understand why not.
I think you're a bit confused. i suggest you backtrack and check what Blup said, and why, and reappraise your response to him. It doesn't make much sense to me.

Mrs D. Obviously doesn't watch the same news as me. I wonder what the info sources are?
Irrelevant. I asked you for some information that would allow me to read the same source that you said you used.

Me. BBC 6pm fits in with eating dinner and generally always has. C4 comes next and we seldom do much of interest between 7 and 8pm or see anything else worth watching.
All very cosy, but it doesn't get us any nearer to this article that you think you saw, but can't recall.
Nor does it explain your guesses as to why what you think happened, happened.
Data is figures, not personal 'top ten' lists in my mind. Obviously not in yours though. Carry on trying to justify your 'data' - I'm not interested any more.
Marketing data includes quantitative analysis, which is the number of items sold, etc.
The most popular is determined by quantitative analysis.
That is what I provided.
If you can't understand it, it isn't my fault, you asked for it.
Perhaps in future you shouldn't ask for something you won't be able to understand. :rolleyes:
Must be. Can you remind me of the posts saying that we didn’t want established highly skilled EU residents who paid their way?

At the time of the referendum it would be six years before you signed up to this forum so what do you know about what was being said on here six years before you joined? I joined eight months after the referendum and I don’t know what was being said at the time.
General comments at the time of the referendum. Was fairly common comments, that I heard. You know the "it's all those foreigners fault"

Not necessarily, or just on here. Life isn't just on this forum you know.
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Can you remind me of the posts saying that we didn’t want established highly skilled EU residents who paid their way?
It’s great that Brexit has resulted in multiple Turkish barbers in every town instead of highly skilled residents.

You must be well chuffed
Good to see the police containing the demos with professionalism, unlike the hothead that kicked the bloke in the head the other day. The arguments used to justify that over the top response could be used to justify much more serious physical response to the far right demos, but haven't been wheeled out for some reason,

Good to see :LOL: :LOL:

What we need is more plod giving them protestors a kick in the ead

Violence put em in wheel chairs were they can spend the next few years sucking there meals through a straw

All them
Politicians living in there affluent areas should be forced to live in some of these areas on some estates let them deal with the threats intimidation
Violence damage to there property be frightened to venture out

Same goes for all the do gooders ?? Worried about some violent scum bags human rights ?

Care in the community for those with previous violent past ??let all the do gooders and concerned have them live in there house ;)

They care so much ? Than they would be pleased to take part ?? But as per usual there all p*** and wind ???
It’s great that Brexit has resulted in multiple Turkish barbers in every town instead of highly skilled residents.

You must be well chuffed
They’re not actual barber businesses in the true sense, they’re fronts. They’re Turkish launderettes washing dirty money. Is everybody getting their hair cut more often these days - seems to be more baldys about than ever so where has this demand for Turkish barbers come from - we used to have just a couple of barbers in Hornchurch and now there’s over a dozen, most of which are Turkish and the same applies just about everywhere else in the country. What made Turks such fantastic barbers all of a sudden? As usual, you have your head up your arse and are missing the real picture. Go past and see how many actual people are using these barbers for the intended purposes - often you’ll see the places empty and wondering how they manage to keep going. Well wonder no more, Mottie has educated you.
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They’re not actual barber businesses in the true sense, they’re fronts. They’re Turkish launderettes washing dirty money. Is everybody getting their hair cut more often these days - seems to be more baldys about than ever so where has this demand for Turkish barbers come from? As usual, you have your head up your arse and are missing the real picture.
This demand for Turkish barbers came from Brexit.

You must be well chuffed
Plus the roving foreign gypsies, driving uninsured, untaxed, with no MOT, trucks around the streets, collecting scrap.
How do you know they are foreign?

I see loads of scrapie’s around my area.
Every single one English

How many of these thugs causing riots are foreign eh Harry?
People who want to see the likes of Reform gain power must surely be excited by all of this.


Because if they do (gain power), even more people will feel emboldened to assert their beliefs in more direct ways, with Farage, 30p Lee etc (weakly) saying how they disagree with such actions, and just staying on the right side of the law with their anti anything that's not British rhetoric.

Maybe this is what this is all building up to. Maybe it will be written into history. The non Caucasian UK exodus of 2050. All us non white folk can leave you to it, which I suspect is what many want but stop short of saying it. Then, when you discover you're still not living in utopia, you can select the next group of people who are to blame and get to work on them ...
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