Major Incident In Southport

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Ffs Wokeism, is well known....

Thanks for that definition.


When this term became popularized, initially the meaning of this term was when an individual become more aware of the social injustice. Or basically, any current affairs related like biased, discrimination, or double-standards.
From your link
Based on that, I'm all for wokeism.
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Have always wondered why several million eu citizens who moved here under FoM rules were given unlimited right to remain after brexhit, logically they should have all been sent home and the brits given their jobs. But not even the most rabid brexxers suggested it, I wonder why.
Because they were taking the "Black jobs"? a la Trump. :rolleyes:
Dealing with migration at the southern border was a task assigned to her by Biden.
It's beginning to look like she's smashed it.
I posted about that on the can harris win thread. Actually she is doing well on deportations as well.No more as the subject has 0 to do with Southport. Immigration does but different problem here other than they too have a resident ethnic mix who actually live there. No signs of wanting to drive all out unlike here.
Have always wondered why several million eu citizens who moved here under FoM rules were given unlimited right to remain after brexhit, logically they should have all been sent home and the brits given their jobs. But not even the most rabid brexxers suggested it, I wonder why.
Lots of of EU immigrants who applied for indefinite right to remain had been here many years, 10, 15, 20 years.

3 million of them applied for settled status which requires living here over 5 years.

Many of them have made the U.K. their home, are in relationships often with Brits, have settled with a house, family, career.

Lots of EU people that came to work here are highly educated people in high powered, technical jobs……they contribute a huge amount to our economy
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Good morning all.

Omg ive Honestly I've not heard such a load of narrow minded stuck in a bedroom forum talk since..I was on here yesterday.

Who says?

Ok so let's confirm a few things.

Anything bad behaviour is right wing right?

And none of them protesting can think for themselves, they're all being manipulated by extremists. Right wing of course. Flag shagging nationalists who should be ashamed of flying our flag?

The irony being you're repeating verbatim what your influencers want you to say too.

I love this country and want the best for it and the people. That includes respecting the people we've lost along the way making what we are today. Noone is shaming that out of me, I think some people struggle with that concept because they've never had that attachment.
The rioting and protests will start to get worse now. Because we as a large majority feel let down by the last government and we know the new one will not be any better. I'd prefer Biden over Starmer at least he'd make a decision.

I will show you why in a few more posts..bots need not reply.
People like Farage and Trump are right wing populists

You’ve fallen for their lies.

I bet you voted Reform
I posted about that on the can harris win thread. Actually she is doing well on deportations as well.No more as the subject has 0 to do with Southport. Immigration does but different problem here other than they too have a resident ethnic mix who actually live there. No signs of wanting to drive all out unlike here.
I disagree that it has nothing to do with immigration policies in UK, and in relation to the RWR riots which are about immigration.
It shows that there are solutions that do work. But successive UK governments refuse to consider them.
Lots of EU people that came to work here are highly educated people in high powered, technical jobs……they contribute a huge amount to our economy
The BBC did a program concerning some who tried going back to their original country. They gained the feeling that they no longer fitted in. They were not asked why they tried this but I'd guess 2 factors may figure, Not being in the EU any more and maybe noticing increasing racial tendencies. Also we had been in for a long time so may just have tried it earlier on. Job levels - I'd say it varied. Higher level jobs - they would still have no problem working here if needed. Some of this relates to Labour's must train our own at a number of job levels.
These rioters have:

Attacked the police and torched police cars
Looted shops
Attacked a Mosque
Featured people with Nazi tattoos marching proudly int heir midst.

If you think they're the ones in the right, of you identify more with them than anyone else then I've got news for you. You aren't part of any majority. If you think they're being hard done by you probably aren't even part of the right wing minority.
I would have said not only not part of any majority, nor the type of person UK is famous for, or wants.

Thugs ! Their supporters are too.
Some people are always going to be angry. I remember telling Brexiters at the time of the referendum that Brexit wouldn't make them happy. I said they would just find something else to be angry about and that it would probably be non-white immigration.
I think a lot of people said similar.

Mine was brexit won't cure immigration issues, just change them.

It's not about Europeans now is it .
Have you got a link to this? I'd be interested to read, watch, hear the article.
Afraid not it was a while ago now but probably post the EU referendum. I watched it. I generally only take in 2 news sources. BBC and C4. AlJ for other reasons but depending on what is going on. Gaza for instance often at the moment otherwise now and again.
LOL BBC and C4 left wing ;) grow up. Politically the group in power are the ones that generate the news. News by it's very nature is often bad.
The old saying 'That when the pot boils the scum rises to the top',these protests are evidence of the veracity of that old saying.
White working class care worker has the car she needs for work burned by protesters protesting that white working class workers are no longer safe in their own country.
The question is, Who from?
The BBC did a program concerning some who tried going back to their original country. They gained the feeling that they no longer fitted in.
Have you got a link to this? I'd be interested to read, watch, hear the article.
Afraid not it was a while ago now but probably post the EU referendum.
It would have to be post Brexit for it to be relevant.
I can't find any trace of it.
They were not asked why they tried this but I'd guess
So you watched/listened/read an article that you can't specifically recall, and you guessed the reasons for why something that you claimed happened, happened?
I had a dream last night that you were mistaken. :rolleyes:
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