Major Incident In Southport

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Perhaps Himmy can dig up some pictures of rioters wearing trainers that back up his 'data'?
@Mrs Doubtfyre . Take note of the colour of the majority of the trainers in this photo. No red, blue, yellow as per your 'data'.

And here:
Yeah, but then feral RWR never did have style. :ROFLMAO:
And your racist innuendo was targeted at black youths. :evil:
I don't see any black youths in these RWR riots. And no self-respecting counter-demonstrator would wear their Sunday best to a counter-demonstration. :rolleyes:
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Shocking reporting in the Telegraph. In their headline story they show three photos and they are are all of Asian counter-demonstrators. Utterly irresponsible and actually properly racist. From a supposed broadsheet newspaper.
On the other hand, I didn’t see any police with loudhailers in front of mainly white crowds 'advising' them to get rid of any weapons they may be carrying.
On the other hand, I didn’t see any police with loudhailers in front of mainly white crowds 'advising' them to get rid of any weapons they may be carrying.

I don't get the reference!
I don't get the reference!
Shocking behaviour from the police. The policeman with a loudhailer 'advised' Asian crowd to dump any weapons they were carrying. Utterly biased and actually properly racist. From a supposed non-biased police force. I didn’t see them 'advising' any crowds of white people to get rid of their weapons, did you?
Shocking behaviour from the police. The policeman with a loudhailer 'advised' Asian crowd to dump any weapons they were carrying. Utterly biased and actually properly racist. From a supposed non-biased police force. I didn’t see them 'advising' any crowds of white people to get rid of their weapons, did you?

Asking people to drop weapons is a bad thing?
Perhaps Himmy can dig up some pictures of rioters wearing trainers that back up his 'data'?
I don't need to. You've confessed to lying, and you've been proven to be a crass and reckless hypocrite, who accuses foreigners of doing exactly what you admit to doing. And you invent some imaginary story about those foreigners to inflame community tensions.
We can now add violent racist to that list of adjectives used to describe you.
Asking people to drop weapons is a bad thing?
Not asking, 'advising'. So that they don’t get caught in possession. 'Advising' only one race of people to drop weapons is racist by that very action if you are not also 'advising' other racial groups. Can’t be anything else, can it?
Ok, do you can’t. At least we cleared that up.
Need to present evidence, I don't,
Why are we talking in Yoda style? :rolleyes:

I don't need to present evidence to convince a violent racist, who intentionally foments community tensions, and who confesses to using an untaxed, untested and uninsured car in Spain, to ferry his family and friends, and has been proven to be a liar and a fraudster.
It is abundantly clear that you twist events to suit your own perverted version of what's acceptable.
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