Major Incident In Southport

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Not asking, 'advising'. So that they don’t get caught in possession. 'Advising' only one race of people to drop weapons is racist by that very action if you are not also 'advising' other racial groups. Can’t be anything else, can it?

That seems like a pretty desperate deflection! Even the right wing tabloids can see what is going on. This is all down to pure far right race hate.
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That seems like a pretty desperate deflection! Even the right wing red tops can see what is going on.
Mottie is desperate, desperate to retrieve what little credibility he has left.
A self confessed liar and fraudster who intentionally foments community tensions, will struggler to regain any credibility.

In addition he has claimed to be a teacher of youths, employed by the local authority.
Some role model for the local youths! No wonder they grow up with confused ideas of what is acceptable. :rolleyes:
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will struggler to regain any credibility.
So says the person that has to keep returning as different identities when all credibility is yet again lost.


Mark my words, Doubtfyre will disappear and reinvent himself once again.
Anyone apart from Himmy feeling 'inflamed' by that?
You're misunderstanding what I said, not unusual for someone who misunderstands, or ignores the law for his own perverted gain.
I said you inflame community tensions with your racist disinformation.
I didn't say you cause people to be inflamed. :rolleyes:
So your question should have asked, "Does anyone feel that community tension has been heightened by racist disinformation?"
Retired over a year ago. How would you know that, what with only being here for less than a month?
I can read! :rolleyes:
Wrong again. Never been employed by any council.
Irrespective of whether you were directly or indirectly employed.
You claimed you were paid to teach youths, wayward youths or potentially wayward youths, if I recall.
Teaching is not just about imparting skills and expertise, it's also about presenting a desirable role model.

You now present yourself as a self-confessed fraudster, a reckless hypocrite, a proven liar, and a violent racist.
And you tell everyone about your teaching prowess. :rolleyes:
Teaching is not just about imparting skills and expertise, it's also about presenting a desirable role model.
I did. The lesson the kids enjoyed most was how to clobber a thief with a scaffold pole. ;) I was very popular with my students (the ones I didn’t chuck out for not following orderz).


They seem happy enough, wouldn’t you agree? Oh, and yes, I have photographic permission before you start nit-picking.
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So says the person that has to keep returning as different identities when all credibility is yet again lost.

View attachment 351237

Mark my words, Doubtfyre will disappear and reinvent himself once again.
If your allegation is accurate and true, it must be because I expose self-confessed fraudsters, violent racists, self-confessed liars and reckless hypocrites.
I hope the forum powers that be, take note.
The current community tensions and damage has been caused mainly by people like you, spreading disinformation and taking advantage of the opportunities presented by anonymous social media. :rolleyes:
So your question should have asked, "Does anyone feel that community tension has been heightened by racist disinformation?"
Okay then, Apart from Himmy, does anyone feel that I have heightened community tension by my "Black Nikes matter" post?
I did. The lesson the kids enjoyed most was how to clobber a thief with a scaffold pole.
Fight barbarism with barbarism I say. Fair play will get you nowhere in a war.
Society reaps what it sows, and the country erupts in violent disorder, when there are violent racists, self-confessed fraudsters, reckless hypocrites, and proven liars like you, who think it's all a game.
Okay then, Apart from Himmy, does anyone feel that I have heightened community tension by my "Black Nikes matter" post?
It's one example of your persistent violent racist, fraudster, lying, hypocritical behaviour.
If your allegation is accurate and true, it must be because I expose self-confessed fraudsters, violent racists, self-confessed liars and reckless hypocrites.

Oh go away, reset yourself and creep back as another person. No need to make a fake diy post about a trailer rebuild that you seem to have lost interest in.
View attachment 351238

Oh go away, reset yourself and creep back as another person. No need to make a fake diy post about a trailer rebuild that you seem to have lost interest in.
A proven lying, self-confessed fraudster, reckless hypocrite and a violent racist making unproven allegations. :rolleyes:

There's them pesky squirrels again.
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