Major Incident In Southport

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"we're told it's non-terror or it's mental health".

That was Nigel Farage commenting on what was said about the soldier stabbing in Kent. Now, back on subject and I’m sorry if I have to shout but you are just not hearing my question. WHERE HAVE YOU SEEN IT CONFIRMED THAT THIS INCIDENT WAS A RESULT OF MENTAL HEALTH?
I would say it is a given that this lad has mental health issues, no one commits a crime like that, even if they think they have some religious or other nonsensical reason to do so, to commit a crime of these proportions against young children can only be committed by someone with something very very wrong with their heads.

It is an atrocity beyond belief, reminds me of the Hutus and Tutsi mobs (what country was that again?) that were hacking each other to death with knives and machetes - its something we just can't even begin to understand
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All of this conjecture. At some point there will be announcements.
I would say it is a given that this lad has mental health issues, no one commits a crime like that, even if they think they have some religious or other nonsensical reason to do so, to commit a crime of these proportions against young children can only be committed by someone with something very very wrong with their heads.

It is an atrocity beyond belief, reminds me of the Hutus and Tutsi mobs (what country was that again?) that were hacking each other to death with knives and machetes - its something we just can't even begin to understand
It doesn't necessarily have to be related to mental health - the hot weather shortens the patience of people who are hot n' bothered. Taylor Swift at high volume wouldn't be my choice for a relaxing summer day.
The area is being cleaned up by locals. Local guy being interviewed just now saying people arrived this morning with road sweeper etc to help in the effort. Young lad was out with a broom.
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It was covered earlier in the News article by most outlets.
And any logical person would arrive at the conclusion that if it's not terror related, there's something wrong with the perpetrators mental health.

Even Tazor arrived at that conclusion:


Again all supposition on your part, you have no clue whether he was being seen by any medical practitioners.
Or if his parents thought he even needed it.

Thus your assertions over failing mental health care, are just used to try and prove a political point.
"we're told it's non-terror or it's mental health".

That was Nigel Farage commenting on what was said about the soldier stabbing in Kent. Now, back on subject and I’m sorry if I have to shout but you are just not hearing my question. WHERE HAVE YOU SEEN IT CONFIRMED THAT THIS INCIDENT WAS A RESULT OF MENTAL HEALTH?
People like Farage are extremely dangerous and know exactly what they're doing and saying.

Regardless of whether some of their rhetoric is based on fact or not, the likes of Farage and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon love stirring up hate, and then reel back the rhetoric so they can then say 'hey, not my fault it's all kicking off guv!'
The area is being cleaned up by locals. Local guy being interviewed just now saying people arrived this morning with road sweeper etc to help in the effort. Young lad was out with a broom.
what? the young lad that done the murders???
loopey left would love that, although some would undoubtedly argue the punishment was too harsh and we need more understanding of his problems
Under the Tories mental health provision has failed to keep up with demand.
That obviously means that many suffering from mental health are not receiving the treatment that they need or deserve.
It's no coincidence that the nasty party through their policies stoked that demand...

Because they just don't care!

Although should anything similar unfortunately happen to one of their own, then there would suddenly be an outrageous condemnation!
what? the young lad that done the murders???
loopey left would love that, although some would undoubtedly argue the punishment was too harsh and we need more understanding of his problems
No, just a local lad who lives in the area.
Whilst we are all squabbling. Talking of 'mental health'

I saw a comment on X not long back related to the guy with the crossbow. She along with many others on the thread concurred this is nothing to do with mental health, and argued that men enjoy seeing women distressed, controlling and beating/harming women. Personally find that a bit of a wide brush but had that debate with a few women and i was surprised how many agreed with that sentiment, all were adamant it was a clear concious act not 'mental health'. And that actual arrests for domestive violence is extremely low in this country.

Wether that is what has occurred here who knows.

We do need to take a deep look into our society to understand what is going wrong, no stone left, if it is a particular culture mixture etc. Statistically homogenous countries have lower crime rates.
It was covered earlier in the News article by most outlets.
And any logical person would arrive at the conclusion that if it's not terror related, there's something wrong with the perpetrators mental health.

Even Tazor arrived at that conclusion:


Do you want it in capital letters?

None of the links you give CONFIRM that it was a mental health issue as you stated. They merely say that they are looking into the possibility that mental health could have been a contributing factor. Stop making things up Himmy.
Whilst we are all squabbling. Talking of 'mental health'

I saw a comment on X not long back related to the guy with the crossbow. She along with many others on the thread concurred this is nothing to do with mental health, and argued that men enjoy seeing women distressed, controlling and beating/harming women. Personally find that a bit of a wide brush but had that debate with a few women and i was surprised how many agreed with that sentiment, all were adamant it was a clear concious act not 'mental health'. And that actual arrests for domestive violence is extremely low in this country.

Wether that is what has occurred here who knows.

We do need to take a deep look into our society to understand what is going wrong, no stone left, if it is a particular culture mixture etc. Statistically homogenous countries have lower crime rates.
Without meaning to belittle anyone's reality, I think the mental health card is sometimes a useful excuse and will be exploited to the full by the defence where possible to garner a reduced sentence. The 'I heard God telling me to do it' type scenario.

And although I'll no doubt get laughed at for saying it, I do wonder what impact the likes of excessive cannabis smoking and pill popping can have on a sane person's mental health. Paranoia etc.

Add into the mix social media, so if you feel a certain way e.g. 'I hate the world and everyone in it' you'll soon find a website or chat group of like-minded people who will do nothing but bolster said feelings. 'Go on, do it mate, do it, DO IT!!!'

Multi-faceted issues that are complex to address and resolve.
so if you feel a certain way e.g. 'I hate the world and everyone in it' you'll soon find a website or chat group of like-minded people who will do nothing but bolster said feelings.

I wonder whether that is what it's like in CC?

But as the community rallied together against the violence, Jenni Stancombe, the mother of little Elsie, pleaded for the violence to end on social media. She said: 'This is the only thing that I will write, but please stop the violence in Southport tonight. The police have been nothing but heroic these last 24 hours and they and we don't need this.'

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