Stop the carnival

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I think plod would enjoy the weekend off.

Nobody in the met is allowed to book holiday for that weekend to make it fair on those who are required to police.

But if you ban it. There will be some protest march in its place.
As long as police officers will work with their hands tied behind their back, such things will continue to happen.
I was at the carnival and I could spot the (very very few) troublemakers from miles away.
Police should target the typical clowns and let to act on instinct when choosing who to stop (and search).
Unfortunately, because of wokes like himmy, the wannabe gangsters go about their violent business unchallenged.
We need a PM with boll@x and a mayor of London with even bigger boll@x to put a stop to this massacre.
We're not at war but somehow everyday people die of a violent death and nobody does anything.
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Notting Hill Carnival is the second biggest in the world, with 2,000,000 participants over 2 days.

Rio de Janeiro is the biggest with 2,000,000 per day over 6 days.

The arrest ratio of arrests to people is well below the normal UK arrest ratio during non-carnival times.
It's also well below the Rio Carnival arrest ratio.

On that basis alone, it could be argued that the Carnival is the safest place to be.

Mottie and others want it banned for their own bigoted reasons.
The Notting Hill Carnival started as a commemoration of the race riots when a black afro-Caribbean carpenter was murdered in 1959.
There were 1,200 arrests at his funeral, and his murder and subsequent events motivated an enquiry into race relations in UK.
There were accusations of police complacency and cover-up in the investigation of his murder. No-one has ever been arrested for his murder.
Cheering on third world savagery whilst in your cosy country home.
Rees Smogg, Borris and their wealthy mates shafted the country from their cosy country homes, be careful what you wish for.
If there is less crime during the carnival why stop it just to make yourselves feel better. Its like voting brexhit for the feel good factor whilst shafting the economy.
I assume that any street carnival requires a licence with local councils and police as signatories to permit it going ahead.
If the police are unable to guarantee the safety of carnival participants, then surely the Met needs to get a backbone and refuse it.... and suggest a suitable alternative like a Hyde Park controlled event to mitigate the risk.
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