Stop the carnival

I assume that any street carnival requires a licence with local councils and police as signatories to permit it going ahead.
If the police are unable to guarantee the safety of carnival participants, then surely the Met needs to get a backbone and refuse it.... and suggest a suitable alternative like a Hyde Park controlled event to mitigate the risk.
It's a parade.
It's called the Notting Hill Carnival Parade.
Started by London’s Caribbean communities in 1966, it’s a celebration of freedom and Caribbean culture, with an iconic parade showcasing the best of mas, soca, calypso, steel bands and soundsystems.
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That's ok then - duh!
Just saying it's a poor excuse to want to ban something because a few elements in the 2,000,000 participants resort to unacceptable criminal behaviour.
It's still one of the safest places to be compared to an arrest ratio with normal UK.
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How many people have been stabbed during violence at football matches over the years?

So why aren't you calling for football to stop?

Or are you/were you a member of the ICF?

And whilst you're at it, nightclubs, pubs, gigs, all festivals etc...

Maybe you have targeted Notting Hill simply because of the predominant skin colour/celebration themes of the attendees ;)
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No idea but you almost guarantee stabbings and deaths at 'carnival'.
As you can at football matches over the years...

Btw in the latest figures available (2022), "West Ham had the highest number of arrests for a single club"

Will you be calling for West Ham to be banned?


"Domestic Violence and the World Cup are closely linked, with reported incidents increasing by 26% if England plays, 38% if England loses and 11% the next day, win or lose"

Will you call for England to be banned from the World Cup?
The cost of policing professional football matches is said to be about£48 million a YEAR, clubs contribute to some of the costs. The Purge cost £12 million to police for the WEEKEND last year, I can't find out if the organisers contribute to those costs or not.
The Purge cost £12 million to police for the WEEKEND last year, I can't find out if the organisers contribute to those costs or not.
The Purge is a collection of American films. Why would it need to be policed by UK police? :rolleyes:
Btw in the latest figures available (2022), "West Ham had the highest number of arrests for a single club"
214 arrests in 5 years/200+ matches doesn’t seem too bad to me. What were the arrests for? How many were arrested for stabbing and murder in those 5 years?

Carnival? I’ve never seen this at a West Ham match.

Linky Linky
214 arrests in 5 years/200+ matches doesn’t seem too bad to me. What were the arrests for? How many were arrested for stabbing and murder in those 5 years?

Carnival? I’ve never seen this at a West Ham match.

Linky Linky
With an average attendance of 60,000, it doesn't look so good.
It would equate to about 7,000 arrests when compared to the 2,000,000 that participated in the Notting Hill Carnival.

89 arrests for West Ham in the 2022 -23 season.

If we look at the official figures the situation looks much less 'rosy' than you portrayed.

Taking the National League at 8.4 arrests per 100,000, in comparison with 300 arrests for 2,000,000 people. That works out at about 9 arrests per 100,000 people. Exactly on a par with the National League football. :rolleyes:
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With an average attendance of 60,000, it doesn't look so good.
It would equate to about 7,000 arrests when compared to the 2,000,000 that participated in the Notting Hill Carnival.
We all know the reason why mottie has posted this topic...

He's following his hero garbage in trying to stir up racial hatred!

And both have substantial history in this department ;)
That's what it comes down to, what is "too bad". The carnival visitors seem to think it is a risk worth taking.
I think the nature of offences should be taken into consideration too. Approximately 1 arrest per match, possibly for being drunk or someone shouting nasty things Vs stabbing and death. I know what I’d prefer and that would be to take my chances at a West Ham match. How about you?
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