Stop the carnival

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But a matchday without fans is like reading through a motty thread: a pointless, joyless experience you'll never get back. :giggle:
They could ban any alcohol in and around the grounds. That would reduce the injuries associated with drunken football hooligans.
Excessive alcohol consumption by match-going supporters has potential repercussions for public safety (violence, antisocial behavior, potential fan injuries) and public health (high-risk consumption, binge drinking).

Although it appears that drugs are replacing alcohol in creating violence among football supporters.
  • A sample of 1486 British football fans completed an online survey.
  • More fans reported using cocaine than the national average.
  • Around 1% of fans reported cocaine use in stadia, but 30% had seen others use it.
  • Identity fusion, an intense form of bonding, predicted aggression toward rivals.
  • Cocaine use and identity fusion significantly interacted to predict aggression.

I'm sure that some restrictions on alcohol sales during the Notting Hill Carnival might be supported, but it would mean dome loss of spending during the Carnival, and thud loss of income for London, in general.
They could ban any alcohol in and around the grounds. That would reduce the injuries associated with drunken football hooligans.

The proper hooligans do their "business" away from the grounds.

It's a coordinated exercise: not some spontaneous, drunken punch-up.
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Over half a million views in my 'what are you doing today' thread
200k in notable obituaries
250k in what have you bought today.
Plus many more over 100k
All of which you’ve enjoyed and added to. Glad to have been of service. I’ll be sorry to lose you.
Long term catchy threads. Needy people love em.

I think I surpassed yours in a six week (abortion) thread, lol.
Long term catchy threads. Needy people love em.

I think I surpassed yours in a six week (abortion) thread, lol.
Not everybody cares or even wants to know what somebody else had for breakfast or dinner.

That's what Facebook and similar is for
The proper hooligans do their "business" away from the grounds.

It's a coordinated exercise: not some spontaneous, drunken punch-up.
Serious question. Can you describe a “Proper Hooligan” please.

It’s always seemed like a ****ty myth for me.

Silly fckrs trying to be hard!
Reaganandcarter attracted to the racist known as Katy Hopkins. :rolleyes:
Who'd have thunk it.

She probably gives him all her ideas, he has none himself. :ROFLMAO:
He's just a relic of his parent's downbringing.

(yes, I know it's not a word, I just invented it.) :rolleyes:
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