Stop the carnival

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I've been to a few football matches.

Once only to west ham. Never, and I mean never again. The football was OK but the "fear factor" was not worth it.
"Data on Carnival from the Met shows in the six events since and including 2017, there have been 62 stabbings. In addition to the fatal stabbing of Ms Maximen, the Met confirmed on Tuesday that there were a further seven stabbings this year while there were 61 incidents where officers were assaulted".

How many stabbings in the same time for every football match in all leagues?

Dare I suggest it’s typical of the type of people that attend this fun loving peaceful carnival?
How many stabbings in the same time for every football match in all leagues?

Dare I suggest it’s typical of the type of people that attend this fun loving peaceful carnival?
Again, so what? It'll get banned if it gets "too bad", whatever that is.
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Dare I suggest it’s typical of the type of people that attend this fun loving peaceful carnival?
I think you are well away from facts here.

Do you know how many attend and where they travel from?

Are there some wrong ones there too, undoubtedly. But as a majority , you're just scaremongering or know no details
I've never been to either, but, all things considered, people seem happy to attend the carnival.
Those that live to see another one, yes. Do you think two unrelated deaths and seven stabbings were an acceptable price to pay for people to enjoy 'carnival'?

Let’s have sweepstake for next years carnival. I say one death and eight stabbings. Let’s wait and see.
"Data on Carnival from the Met shows in the six events since and including 2017, there have been 62 stabbings. In addition to the fatal stabbing of Ms Maximen, the Met confirmed on Tuesday that there were a further seven stabbings this year while there were 61 incidents where officers were assaulted".

How many stabbings in the same time for every football match in all leagues?

Dare I suggest it’s typical of the type of people that attend this fun loving peaceful carnival?
Some of the incidents assigned to the Notting Hill Carnival occurred outside of the time and the place of the Carnival.
The Chef was attacked and killed at 22hrs 30 in the evening. The Carnival ends at 18hrs or 20hrs 30.
Those that live to see another one, yes. Do you think two unrelated deaths and seven stabbings were an acceptable price to pay for people to enjoy 'carnival'?

Let’s have sweepstake for next years carnival. I say one death and eight stabbings. Let’s wait and see.
Any hook on which to hang their bigotry. :rolleyes:
Do you think two unrelated deaths and seven stabbings were an acceptable price to pay for people to enjoy 'carnival'?
No crime is acceptable, but there has to be a calm judgment of whether things have gone to far, or not. You can't simply quote statistics, if you relied on that then a lot of things would be banned, including driving.
No crime is acceptable, but there has to be a calm judgment of whether things have gone to far, or not. You can't simply quote statistics, if you relied on that then a lot of things would be banned, including driving.
Not really. I can guarantee there will be more stabbings at next years carnival and while everything carries a risk including driving, unlike driving, carnival is not a necessity.
Cheering on third world savagery whilst in your cosy country home.

Himmy Dangler is just the same. All for imposing multiculturalism and the violence that goes with it on others. But he doesn't walk the walk himself - no, he's safely tucked away in his decididedly caucasian, peaceful French village, enjoying la belle vie.

I'm alright Jacques! :rolleyes:
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Great excuse to 'liberate' some Nikes and widescreen tvs. Gratis.
But attempting to burn people alive, shooting them on the beaches is OK? :rolleyes:

You've stated your preference on dealing with asylum seekers several times, and none of them were legally acceptable. :rolleyes:
Not really. I can guarantee there will be more stabbings at next years carnival and while everything carries a risk including driving, unlike driving, carnival is not a necessity.
Guarantee really?

At the carnival, or whilst the carnival is on?

Because of the carnival, or despite the carnival.

Blind bigotry. Nobody is forced to go to watch it don't forget.

I still haven't seen any real details about the stabbings and deaths and don't know the full story about them. Can you share the detail, not the hyperbole ?
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