Stop the carnival

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It's just a numbers game to you:LOL:
One has to note that mottie doesn't wish to comment on one of the 'carnival deaths' he quoted but was actually a plod lie...

Or the very low number of deaths over the years...

I guess it's because both don't fit in with his very obvious agenda ;)
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Numbers in pictures. 104k. Another popular Mottie thread. I can’t help it if I keep starting interesting and informative threads. (y)
Great original thought, 6 years after the original.
Not a word game, so it's in the wrong place, but there ain't no place for it.

Basically, to participate, you have to post a picture with a number in the picture.
BUT, the numbers must be consecutive, and the pictures must be genuine pictures that have a number embedded in them, not just pictures of numbers.
So this is no good.

This is OK
But I cribbed this one without looking for one.
So I'll have to go looking for a proper picture now.

If you find one before me, post away.

After the "one" of course we're looking for a "Two"
A new game to start the upcoming new year on.

The idea is to follow on from the previous post with a picture containing the next number in sequence. The number must be on something - it can’t just be a picture of a number. I’ll start it off.

View attachment 216582

So, to follow on:

View attachment 216581

And finally (and I hope this becomes a distant memory)

View attachment 216583

Got it? Off you go.
One has to note that mottie doesn't wish to comment on one of the 'carnival deaths' he quoted but was actually a plod lie...
I quoted from the numerous news reports. Show me your proof of a "plod lie" and I’ll comment on it, if that will please you. Any other requests?
Over half a million views in my 'what are you doing today' thread
200k in notable obituaries
250k in what have you bought today.
Plus many more over 100k
All of which you’ve enjoyed and added to. Glad to have been of service. I’ll be sorry to lose you.

Ah, the good old days. You have turned nasty lately though.
I quoted from the numerous news reports. Show me your proof of a "plod lie" and I’ll comment on it, if that will please you. Any other requests?
As I've posted before...

"Met Police criticised for falsely suggesting man was stabbed at Notting Hill Carnival"

Linky Linky

"When approached by The Independent, the force rowed back on its previous statement and clarified that the attack had taken place outside of the carnival"

Do keep up old man...

So what is your comment now?
So what is your comment now?
Swervy, hair splitting technicalities, often used by lefty liberals such as yourself to blinker yourself to facts and manipulate the 'official figures' to suit your viewpoint.

“The attack happened in the street just outside the footprint of carnival,” a spokesperson said. “However, investigating officers understand both victim and the alleged suspect had attended the restaurant, which had carnival-related activities taking place. “The investigation team understand the alleged suspect had also been to carnival earlier in the day".

Ah, right, so for examples of say, football hooliganism, they can only be counted as such if they take place 'inside the footprint of the stadium'?

Is that right, old man?
mottie is proved wrong yet again but won't admit it...

Let's face it mottie, if the stabbing took place in uranus you'd claim it was carnival related :LOL:
Swervy, hair splitting technicalities, often used by lefty liberals such as yourself to blinker yourself to facts and manipulate the 'official figures' to suit your viewpoint.

“The attack happened in the street just outside the footprint of carnival,” a spokesperson said. “However, investigating officers understand both victim and the alleged suspect had attended the restaurant, which had carnival-related activities taking place. “The investigation team understand the alleged suspect had also been to carnival earlier in the day".

Ah, right, so for examples of say, football hooliganism, they can only be counted as such if they take place 'inside the footprint of the stadium'?

Is that right, old man?
The important bit....

Queensway lies outside of the Notting Hill Carnival catchment area and the attack took place hours after the event had concluded.
mottie is proved wrong yet again but won't admit it...
No proof at all. One newspaper article. I’m sure if I offered one newspaper article, it’d be shouted down as inconclusive by the lefty liberals.
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