Stop the carnival

I notice noseall managed to get his drunken post to mottie about football deleted, what a cooking weasel. That’s when I asked what sort of man he was , now it’s disappeared
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Ban the carnival. It's the most hated event for the police every year. Usually 60 plus cops get injured. Plus there's murders that take place amongst the helpless misguided people taking place. There will be violent protests and people needing to go to jail because of thse. But that's simple, as we've seen last month it's easy to free up some space in the prison estate...
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Ban the carnival. It's the most hated event for the police every year.
You can of course back up that claim?

But plod lies anyway...

"Met Police criticised for falsely suggesting man was stabbed at Notting Hill Carnival"

Linky Linky

And for context...

“Overall there have been eight deaths connected with Notting Hill Carnival since 1987"

That is eight deaths in 35 years ('virus' adjusted yearly figures')...

How many millions have attended over those 35 years?

The death rate is miniscule compared with a similar number of the average Saturday night out over the years!

Calling for a ban is simply a racist 'call to arms'...

So what next...

Ban Gay Pride carnivals in various places because people have been killed/attacked because of their sexuality? :rolleyes:
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Ban the carnival. It's the most hated event for the police every year. Usually 60 plus cops get injured. Plus there's murders that take place amongst the helpless misguided people taking place. There will be violent protests and people needing to go to jail because of thse. But that's simple, as we've seen last month it's easy to free up some space in the prison estate...
Why not ban football spectators? it would save far more injuries and deaths,
And football could continue without spectators.
But preventing injuries or deaths is not the real concern here.
In addition it generates £300M for London in one weekend.
Will you compensate all those food outlets, hotels, etc for their loss of income, plus all those local tax payers that will have to pay more to fill the gap.

It's just another hook on which to hang your bigotry. :rolleyes:

Its not going to happen, so stop demonstrating your bigotry and hate (your most hated event) on a pointless exercise.

Two tier yorkbuilder, wants to stop ethnic minority carnivals, but not football spectators.
led by 2 Tier
Yorkbuilder and Mottie. :rolleyes:
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Why not ban football spectators? it would save far more injuries and deaths,
And football could continue without spectators.

I thnk Luton Town banned away fans in the 80s at the height of the hooligan troubles...didn't seem to have much affect. We saw what football matches were like without fans in attendance during the Covid lockdown. No atmosphere. No point.
I thnk Luton Town banned away fans in the 80s at the height of the hooligan troubles...didn't seem to have much affect. We saw what football matches were like without fans in attendance during the Covid lockdown. No atmosphere. No point.
So, it's not the sport, it's the money?
I's always about the money.
But a matchday without fans is like reading through a motty thread: a pointless, joyless hour and a half of your time you'll never get back. :giggle:
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