Trouble at t' mill.

One interesting thing that came up on Question Time is that MP's can (and do) claim up to £3500 per year toward heating costs.

That went down well with the audience.
MPs don’t get a big salary, historically large salary rises go down like a lead balloon, so they make their money up with expenses….and lobbyist money and “2nd jobs”.

Although I’m no fan of Jeremy Corbyn, he has never taken freebies and thus can’t be bought… whether people like what he campaigns for or not, at least it is what he believes and not what a corporate donor wants (although he is still subject to pressure from Unions)
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Heating what though? Also how is the amount calculated? They can claim on aspects that are like business running expenses.

My local MP uses a church that has offices for surgeries - heating included in the rental costs. What accomodation do they need in London? LOL I favour a huge block of flats but some need to be there more often than others.

I don't know John but a lot of the expenses where they can claim 'up to' a certain amount often means they can claim up to that amount without the need for receipts or invoices.
Perhaps the expenses thing needs looking at again.
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Question Time
Do you actually waste your time watching that? It relies on people with particular angles who will use any figures they like.

This one is typical really. A fact that doesn't relate to pensioner winter fuel cuts. The real question on this is why and effects. Politically as you may have noticed it doesn't appear to be a good move. Reasons. Spending review - as they said they would? More taking up pension credits? Or something else?

Some pensioners getting payments they don't need has cropped up before. One source, John Snow often seen as a lefty. Reasons pretty obvious really. More available for the needy.
Perhaps the expenses thing needs looking at again.
If there is a problem like before it will be across the board. It is a really crap program though. Newsnight is scarcely better so frankly I avoid both. I may listen to Laura's question sessions and her podcasts. Not regularly though. Just if I notice they are on.

I see news as a bit of an insoluble problem - it's always bad. Some progs make that worse. There are people around that totally resist watching any of it.
Do you actually waste your time watching that? It relies on people with particular angles who will use any figures they like.

Used to watch it all the time but much less so since Dimbleby left.
I was on it once, in the audience not on the panel.
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