Trouble at t' mill.

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I hope MI5 are keeping an eye on her.
She was rejected for the job of head of the N.Ireland Civil service.
I wonder why that was.?
Probably something to do with her previous investigations into potential criminal behaviour by MPs.
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And as for the NHS "safe in Labours hands"

A pre-election article, guessing what Labour might do. :rolleyes:
You can see what the job she has is about here

My impression is that the BBC comments amount to nothing. Perhaps the most significant thing mentioned is other advisors and their salaries. Only mentioned on the box. The job in some respects is a fixer as mentioned in several ways in the above link.

Think back to her time with Covid and everyone being happy about her doing it - a stickler that gets on with the job. Some one who has the job of getting people to agree and also do what they are supposed to do may upset all sorts.

Some describe her previous job as the most powerful civil servant you will have never heard of.
A pre-election article, guessing what Labour might do.
So called Friends Of The NHS may figure. Specialist set ups that only do one thing and run privately but work paid for by the NHS. Cataracts for instance - one way of getting them seen to. This could also be run under the NHS. Something similar has been mentioned - joint replacement. This would get this particular work out of the main hospitals.

Starmer's reorg revolves around a couple of hospitals that work in certain way. He says he has identified a couple and the know how from these can be spread to others.

Just about all are saying give us more money - you may have noticed that there isn't much around but what the hell ask and advocate for it anyway.

PFI - LOL I'm saying nothing. Many of the things that are going on are funded by some one other than the gov borrowing money. Wind mills and etc PFI on say a hospital includes maintenance and etc.
The whole thing stinks, she went after Boris and the Torries acting as some totally independent entity, we were to believe her as she could not possibly have an axe to grind - then it turns out she is Labour through and through

I wasn't sad the torries lost, they were dreadful - but sadly what we have now is no better. just the same sleazy garbage.
I watched Question Time tonight. It's the first time in as long as I can remember, the entire audience and all but one of the panel were universal in their condemnation of the Labour party, taking money from pensioners and jerking around on illegal immigration.

It was interesting.
As I keep saying, give them a year and then see how they've done.

I am disappointed that he hasn't declared all this stuff, he can't condemn the Tories for it, then do it himself. I know the figures are different, but I feel that if you are in the public spotlight, you have to be seen to be whiter than white and do everything by the book.
I think that what is really galling with starmer and his cronies, they have been so so righteous these last years, butter wouldn't melt. Then they turn out to be no better.

At least with Boris we sort of expected it, he made no secret that he was a self entitled twát from eton. Amongst all his lies there was some honesty to it, in that we all knew he couldn't be trusted!

Seriously, who would you rather have a pint with, Boris or Kier?
Boris would be a right laugh and then probably pish off when it was his round - Kier, the pompous twát would probably lord it over you and have you arrested if you disagreed about anything.
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