Major Incident In Southport

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Again all supposition on your part, you have no clue whether he was being seen by any medical practitioners.
Or if his parents thought he even needed it.

Thus your assertions over failing mental health care, are just used to try and prove a political point.
It is a fair assessment that any person who can commit such an atrocity as this must have some problems.
Lack of medical provision can affect diagnosis as well as treatment.
Additionally, he was known to the authorities.
If he was known for a terror related reason, what other reason could there be?

What point do you think I'm trying to prove, that he wasn't a terrorist? The Police have already said so. :rolleyes:
Or that the provision for mental health is woefully inadequate. I don't need to prove that, read any news article. :rolleyes:
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You can’t say he's wrong. Hugh Edwards has just been in court this morning admitting possessing indecent images of children. Guess what? Yep, he has 'mental issues'. Seems to be a get-out for just about everything these days. Kill someone? Mental issues. Get caught perving? Mental issues. Get told off at work for not doing your job and go off sick? Mental issues. Get caught shoplifting? Mental issues. Commit any sort of crime? Mental issues. It’s frowned apon for asking "what mental issues?”. Oh no, you’re not allowed to question them, just accept 'mental issues' and excuse them. FFS!

That is one heck of a rant, but you know very well that is not what Farage is talking about here.
Out of interest do you believe their soul interest is to kick up hate? Do you think they are calling out what they feel is true?

Do you believe the results from the latest poll showing the Reform party potentially now 2nd to labour are just all race haters voting conned by Farage?

If i pointed out someone in our community was causing an imbalance or issues, and they just happened to be of coulour or of culture which wasn't local to Britain(and noone else would do it for fear of recrimination) do i instantly become a race hating kkk member?
There are gullible people who can be indoctrinated into believing anything. look at all the religious nutters about, of all faiths. Some even go as far as refusing medical treatment for their children.
And then there's the persistent racist who have been indoctrinated from birth by their parents and peers. They really believe the nonsense that they've been taught.
Then there are the ones who are so cowardly they prefer the anonymity of forum like this one to foment hatred at every opportunity, they'll encourage others to commit violence.
It's no coincidence that the nasty party through their policies stoked that demand...

Because they just don't care!

Although should anything similar unfortunately happen to one of their own, then there would suddenly be an outrageous condemnation!
I can imagine that being the target of government policy can cause a feeling of being an outcast, which can trigger mental health concerns.
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And although I'll no doubt get laughed at for saying it, I do wonder what impact the likes of excessive cannabis smoking and pill popping can have on a sane person's mental health. Paranoia etc.
Talk about desperation. :rolleyes:

Agree i know a few excessive cannabis potheads etc, and some could fit this profile of being detached from society. But indeed it's another level to do what he did.
But the same question on the chap with the crossbow, what pushes a person to do such hateful acts like this. I wonder how their profiles compare.
Keep it up, and he'll be an asylum seeking terrorists on drugs. Just don't get his name wrong. We don't want more innocent deaths. :rolleyes:
Out of interest do you believe their soul interest is to kick up hate? Do you think they are calling out what they feel is true?

Do you believe the results from the latest poll showing the Reform party potentially now 2nd to labour are just all race haters voting conned by Farage?

If i pointed out someone in our community was causing an imbalance or issues, and they just happened to be of coulour or of culture which wasn't local to Britain(and noone else would do it for fear of recrimination) do i instantly become a race hating kkk member?
They're brainless irresponsible idiots who have given little thought to their comments or it's possible repercussions.
Oh dear, what a shame ...
"Thugs" who travelled to Southport to use the deaths of three children "for their own political purposes" were to blame for the violence that saw dozens of police officers injured, the town's MP has said.
Unrest broke out in the Merseyside town hours after a vigil to honour the victims of Monday's knife attack at a dance school in which three young girls were killed.
Patrick Hurley said the disturbance close to a mosque, which saw officers pelted with bricks and a police van set on fire, had been "horrific".
Merseyside Police Federation's Chris McGlade said more than 50 police officers were hurt in a "sustained and vicious attack".
Merseyside Police said the violence was believed to have involved English Defence League supporters.
Mr Hurley told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the "riot" was "led by people from outside the town".
He said the "thugs who had got the train in" had used the "deaths of three little kiddies for their own political purposes".

Social media said to be involved - yet again.
It’s frowned apon for asking "what mental issues?”. Oh no, you’re not allowed to question them, just accept 'mental issues' and excuse them. FFS!
You have no authority, nor any possible reason to know others medical history. :rolleyes:
There are gullible people who can be indoctrinated into believing anything. look at all the religious nutters about, of all faiths. Some even go as far as refusing medical treatment for their children.
And then there's the persistent racist who have been indoctrinated from birth by their parents and peers. They really believe the nonsense that they've been taught.
Then there are the ones who are so cowardly they prefer the anonymity of forum like this one to foment hatred at every opportunity, they'll encourage others to commit violence.
It's called 'Diversity'
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