Major Incident In Southport

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People like Farage are extremely dangerous and know exactly what they're doing and saying.

Regardless of whether some of their rhetoric is based on fact or not, the likes of Farage and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon love stirring up hate, and then reel back the rhetoric so they can then say 'hey, not my fault it's all kicking off guv!'

Out of interest do you believe their soul interest is to kick up hate? Do you think they are calling out what they feel is true?

Do you believe the results from the latest poll showing the Reform party potentially now 2nd to labour are just all race haters voting conned by Farage?

If i pointed out someone in our community was causing an imbalance or issues, and they just happened to be of coulour or of culture which wasn't local to Britain(and noone else would do it for fear of recrimination) do i instantly become a race hating kkk member?
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Without meaning to belittle anyone's reality, I think the mental health card is sometimes a useful excuse and will be exploited to the full by the defence where possible to garner a reduced sentence. The 'I heard God telling me to do it' type scenario.

And although I'll no doubt get laughed at for saying it, I do wonder what impact the likes of excessive cannabis smoking and pill popping can have on a sane person's mental health. Paranoia etc.

Add into the mix social media, so if you feel a certain way e.g. 'I hate the world and everyone in it' you'll soon find a website or chat group of like-minded people who will do nothing but bolster said feelings. 'Go on, do it mate, do it, DO IT!!!'

Multi-faceted issues that are complex to address and resolve.

Just on the back of this i find it astonishing these people are given legal representation and or said legal reps use leverage techniques to get these people lighter sentences. I find it beyond morality these people possibly just find it a challenge to do so, whilst almost becoming numb to the actual offences committed as they're so regularly exposed.

Agree i know a few excessive cannabis potheads etc, and some could fit this profile of being detached from society. But indeed it's another level to do what he did.
But the same question on the chap with the crossbow, what pushes a person to do such hateful acts like this. I wonder how their profiles compare.
i find it astonishing these people are given legal representation and or said legal reps use leverage techniques to get these people lighter sentences
Do you think someone with serious mental health issues should have that taken in to account? Or should any concerns just be dismissed?
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Just on the back of this i find it astonishing these people are given legal representation and or said legal reps use leverage techniques to get these people lighter sentences. I find it beyond morality these people possibly just find it a challenge to do so, whilst almost becoming numb to the actual offences committed as they're so regularly exposed.

We have a system where everyone is entitled to the best defense. Somebody has to do it. There are plenty of articles where lawyers discuss how they deal with the moral challenges.
Yvette Cooper urged the public to avoid “unhelpful” speculation about the attack, which left three children dead, saying social media companies “need to take some responsibility” for the content being shared on their sites.

A prominent British conspiracy theorist had earlier been filming at the crime scene. A YouTube video where he calls for emergency military rule and mass deportations received 30,000 views in the two hours after it was posted on Tuesday. The ‘“source’” for the false name of the attacker appears to be a website seen by the Guardian calling itself Channel 3 Now, which mixes potentially AI-generated US and UK news content and is styled like a mainstream American network news channel. It did not reply to requests for comment from the Guardian or provide details of who owns or runs it.

The Guardian goes on to name the usual suspects who crawl out the woodwork at times like this, but Elon Musk getting involved is a new low for him, retweeting comments by Tommy Robinson.
Lets hope Securespark works that out sometime before he trips over his virtue signals.
Do you honestly believe that copper was trying to regain control of a assailant at the moment they he kicked and stamped on his head?

He wasn't. It was purely retaliatory.
Can you supply the dog whistle quoted?

He is saying that he doesn't believe these cases are due to mental health. He is saying that he believes they are down to muslims. But in way he can always pretend he hasn't actually said i.e. a dog whistle.

Farage also said, “the police say it is a non-terror incident,” but added: “I just wonder whether the truth is being withheld from us."

"Indeed, last week one of Lieutenant Colonels in Kent in full uniform was stabbed in the street. He's still alive and in a very serious condition. Again, we were told it was a non-terror incident.

"I'm just asking questions because I'm struck that every time something appalling happens we're told it's non-terror or it's mental health."
Meanwhile, former MP Tobias Ellwood accused the MP for Clacton of “deliberately inflaming tensions”.

He said: “I lost my brother to terrorism. To ramp up hatred online by claiming the Southport attack was terrorist related (culminating in riots, a mosque damaged and 27 police injured) is not just reprehensible but needs addressing. Otherwise it will happen again.

“Disgusted how a sitting MP deliberately [inflames] tensions without any justification. Farage should delete this tweet.”
"I'm just asking questions because I'm struck that every time something appalling happens we're told it's non-terror or it's mental health."

You can’t say he's wrong. Hugh Edwards has just been in court this morning admitting possessing indecent images of children. Guess what? Yep, he has 'mental issues'. Seems to be a get-out for just about everything these days. Kill someone? Mental issues. Get caught perving? Mental issues. Get told off at work for not doing your job and go off sick? Mental issues. Get caught shoplifting? Mental issues. Commit any sort of crime? Mental issues. It’s frowned apon for asking "what mental issues?”. Oh no, you’re not allowed to question them, just accept 'mental issues' and excuse them. FFS!
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"we're told it's non-terror or it's mental health".

That was Nigel Farage commenting on what was said about the soldier stabbing in Kent. Now, back on subject and I’m sorry if I have to shout but you are just not hearing my question. WHERE HAVE YOU SEEN IT CONFIRMED THAT THIS INCIDENT WAS A RESULT OF MENTAL HEALTH?
It was made abundantly clear by Farage that he was referring to incidents such as these:
"I'm just asking questions because I'm struck that every time something appalling happens we're told it's non-terror or it's mental health.
You are applying your own interpretation of what Farage said to suit this discussion.
None of the links you give CONFIRM that it was a mental health issue as you stated. They merely say that they are looking into the possibility that mental health could have been a contributing factor. Stop making things up Himmy.
Of course the police cannot confirm it was a mental health issue, juts like they cannot confirm it was terror related. It would blow apart any court case. In fact it would probably prevent a court case. :rolleyes:

It is you that is putting your own slant on what is reported, what is not reported and why. :rolleyes:
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