Major Incident In Southport

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You clearly know nothing about me. Dog whistles is a term I first came across about twenty years ago. I have not actually seen anyone else use it in relation to this particular event. It is a term I decided to use of my own free will, because I am a reasonably intelligent guy with a decent vocabulary, who knows what words mean and how to employ them. The rest of your post is just weird ad hominems. I don't know what I can have done to annoy you this much.
No need to be defensive, i detect the shutters have popped up now ive turned the tables and asked you questions.
Ad hominems is such a cliche term used by a cliche to dismiss an arguement.
I think you have answered all my concerns indirectly by your pattern of speech. You're right i don't know you but i know of you. May i add if you knew me better you'd understand most of my quips on here should be taken with a pinch, i find this room full of handbag soap box squabbling entertaining. (and no disrespect before you start to the actual abhorent nature of this thread.)
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You clearly know nothing about me. Dog whistles is a term I first came across about twenty years ago. I have not actually seen anyone else use it in relation to this particular event. It is a term I decided to use of my own free will, because I am a reasonably intelligent guy with a decent vocabulary, who knows what words mean and how to employ them.
The very best of luck debating with festive, then. :giggle:
No need to be defensive, i detect the shutters have popped up now ive turned the tables and asked you questions.
Ad hominems is such a cliche term used by a cliche to dismiss an arguement.
I think you have answered all my concerns indirectly by your pattern of speech. You're right i don't know you but i know of you. May i add if you knew me better you'd understand most of my quips on here should be taken with a pinch, i find this room full of handbag soap box squabbling entertaining. (and no disrespect before you start to the actual abhorent nature of this thread.)

I literally have no idea how to have a conversation with you. So I won't! But in case you are interested, Tobias Ellwood was the MP who tried to save the police officer murdered in the terrorist attack on Westminster.

I literally have no idea how to have a conversation with you. So I won't! But in case you are interested, Tobias Ellwood was the MP who tried to save the police officer murdered in the terrorist attack on Westminster.

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OK we digress i respect your fascination about Tobias in your argument here and now an added pic of him saving a policeman too. A nice pic, brave heroic thing to do, i thing we concur there right?

Dog whistles. Its an interpretation of such a statement.

I stand by the statement from ANY political person to call into question something i feel needs to be examined in more detail, hence i referred to the PCC (Police complaints comission). Id like for example Starmer to way more vocal about the billions spent by the Tories on PPE and how we are recouping lost tax payers money as opposed to focusing on increasing taxation to beat tax payers even more. (but i digress). That's not whipping up Tory hatred (id like to think) that's calling out an issue that needs attention.
Is it a sensitive time to raise this question? Highly yes. Is it wrong. Personally no i dont think so. I know many of my friends close friends will disagree with me, many that will, hence our diversity in opinion and how we interpret this 'whistle' .
Hence the demographics of voting we are far from aligned in our opinion of what's right for this country.
Ah IT Minion obviously free of such crowdstrike dilemas and free to debate. That's a sweeping statement.
You want to kill off the mentally ill like dogs and ihavenojob was just ranting about race mixing before it got deleted.
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hence our diversity in opinion
You're still misunderstanding 'diversity'.
Diversity is not a range of opinions.
You're confusing a "diverse range of opinions" with "diversity". Although a range of opinions might emanate from diversity, diversity doesn't guarantee a diverse range of opinions, nor does it preclude it.
Diversity is a state meaning involving a range of people from different ethnic and social backgrounds. This is designed to ensure that all affected people are included.

Fort example, a jury might attempt to achieve diversity, (the state of including a range of people from different ethnic and social backgrounds) but they all might agree on the same verdict.
Personally, if they are a danger to society that's the end of it.
So everyone with serious mental illnesses should be exterminated.

Nige doesn't even go that far, I think...
So everyone with serious mental illnesses should be exterminated.

Nige doesn't even go that far, I think...
To be honest Denso13 when do you call it.

Ok my daughter son mum uncle kills another person. What do i feel. Do they deserve to live? I dont want to lose them, but they killed someone. No.
If our law says if you willfully kill someone you die. What can you do?
Anyway we digress. But yes sorry knowingly or not they're not fit for society we happily make that decision on animals?
What makes us different? I dont think a killer should be given a 2nd chance no.
I literally don't care about our Nige.
If our law says if you willfully kill someone you die.
But a seriously mentally ill person hasn't done anything wilful at all if they are delusional.

It's not up to me to decide if someone is "not fit for society", which could cover a multitude of things.

I think you are not fit for society with the views you hold. They are dangerous and barbaric. What should we do with you eh...
Id like for example Starmer to way more vocal about the billions spent by the Tories on PPE and how we are recouping lost tax payers money

Rachel Reeves has already done so in the Commons and, what is even better than soundbites and platitudes, has set up a dedicated team to go after the covid contract fraudsters.

Rachel Reeves has already done so in the Commons and, what is even better than soundbites and platitudes, has set up a dedicated team to go after the covid contract fraudsters.

Is this before or after he 'smashes the gangs' of people smugglers?
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