Major Incident In Southport

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People who are ill can sometimes get better. Unless you kill them.

But if you want a discussion about the death penalty crack on.
IS that before or after they've killed further people after being released? How many cases of domestic violence etc would you like to review where people go on to reoffend and kill again? But yes sep thread i shall create.

You obviously haven't lost or had a love one harmed by these people maybe that's tainted my view and not yours? (assumption alert) Which is right?
Yeah let’s carry out research on the caper by letting em loose in the community ;)

You can put your name down as a volunteer to help em out

Got a spare room after all they do some times get better

Good luck
Thankyou Transam are there some bereft of logic people on here or baiting bots? I can't fathom it.

Either way these people in charge of our country would be letting everyone get away with murder... oh wait.
Could be fake news, currently reported by a US, NZ and a local news outlet' Evening Standard says suspect was born in Cardiff.

The 17-year-old suspect, born in Cardiff, is being held on suspicion of murder and attempted murder after the incident in Hart Street, Southport, Merseyside, police said.
Oh dear, no fact checking.

Turns out this was a complete LIE.

You must have been gutted
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No, I didn't say "just because".

Deny what issue? You are rambling.
No i feel you may also be banned shortly too, i am not rambling.

Fck me this place gets tedious fast, are you ok? Do you live on here like a jobless bum alot seem to manage i haven't checked your post rate lately, that should tell me.

Ok sigh.

You said

"I think you are not fit for society with the views you hold. They are dangerous and barbaric. What should we do with you eh... ! "

I said no i think you are not fit for society allowing said people who killing without reason to live and not be exterminated.

Stop waffling that i am rambling stick with the arguement or reverse off into silly bickering circles.

Ok i sm feeling my psychic defences are crumbling time to do some speed knitting with a cup of nettle tea. Back of the net!(tle)
How many cases of domestic violence etc would you like to review where people go on to reoffend and kill again?
So now we kill all those with a serious mental issues and those convicted of domestic violence. Do you know how many millions of people that is?

Would you do so many per year or just go for it, all at once? What about other killers, should we add them in just to be sure? And sex offenders, why leave them out?

I know who has the mental illness.
killing without reason to live and not be exterminated
That's an argument about capital punishment. You are talking about pre-emptive killing, to save bad things happening.
EDL are just a bunch of criminal thugs constantly looking for a fight. Ironic to call yourself English Defence while throwing bricks and punches at the police.

Except this one. He's a legend.
Micky "3 bricks" .

Unless I'm misremembering, I could have sworn I posted a DM link to this story earlier but the post has gone. I prefaced the link by typing 'oh dear ...' so can only assume it was something to do with that.
So now we kill all those with a serious mental issues and those convicted of domestic violence. Do you know how many millions of people that is?

Would you do so many per year or just go for it, all at once? What about other killers, should we add them in just to be sure? And sex offenders, why leave them out?

I know who has the mental illness.

Er no

As per usual you and others go OTT

As for bumping any one off ? Depends on what they have done ? I could easily come up with a list containing names that would executed with in say 20 days ??

Plus any one involved in releasing violent ? Potentially dangerous people into the community should be held to account for there actions if it goes pear shaped

Parole board members

They get it wrong than suffer the consequences

Criminal offence / prison sentence
Er no

As per usual you and others go OTT

As for bumping any one off ? Depends on what they have done ? I could easily come up with a list containing names that would executed with in say 20 days ??

Plus any one involved in releasing violent ? Potentially dangerous people into the community should be held to account for there actions if it goes pear shaped

Parole board members

They get it wrong than suffer the consequences

Criminal offence / prison sentence
Thankyou. Indeed some people when losing an argument or perhaps just want to be argumentative just take it all out of context.

This is exactly a rational response and argument. Plus agree it's all about accountability for those willing to release them, you become accountable too.
Unless I'm misremembering, I could have sworn I posted a DM link to this story earlier but the post has gone. I prefaced the link by typing 'oh dear ...' so can only assume it was something to do with that.
The British working class are fast becoming the new Palestinians.
Uncontrolled immigration is displacing the indigenous population and replacing it with alien cultures.

The money class and other vested interests don't care because their wealth insulates them from the reality of every day life, there is a conflict of interest between capital and labour.

The business class want cheap labour and mass immigration provides it, the, workers don't want mass immigration because the negative social and economic consequences fall on them.

This was the problem that split the Tories, the wealthy business faction of the party like Sunak wanted immigrants but he would never admit it, the working class tories wanted the opposite.
Immigration was far higher under the tories than under labour.
Depends on what they have done ?
No, it doesn't matter what they have done. Festive was essentially arguing that we should kill people before they commit crimes. Such as people with serious mental illnesses because they are a threat to society.

He mentioned saving lives, before the crime was committed. The threat of killing.
Least ive disposed of the threat and saved 50, killed the bad one
If you think he is saying that people should be killed after they commit crimes then that is just a discussion about capital punishment. There is no reason to bring in mental illness and domestic violence.
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