Major Incident In Southport

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Lovely bunch

Appeal after more than 50 officers injured in Southport disorder​

Three police dogs were also injured. After having bricks thrown at them, Police Dog Zoe sustained a laceration to her leg, has been stitched and is now resting, and PD Ike is recovering after sustaining a cut mouth and swelling to his front leg. PD Quga suffered burns to her back leg. A fourth dog, PD Repo, was spared injury after their handler kicked petrol away.
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But a seriously mentally ill person hasn't done anything wilful at all if they are delusional.

It's not up to me to decide if someone is "not fit for society", which could cover a multitude of things.

I think you are not fit for society with the views you hold. They are dangerous and barbaric. What should we do with you eh...

So you allow someone who's bludgeoned 50 people to death to live just because he's mentally ill.

Id say you are not fit for society. Least ive disposed of the threat and saved 50, killed the bad one. But i guess that's your own interpretation and sanity self check that you warrant your existence in society? Bury the issue under the carpet? Deny deny.

That rings a bell?

Crack on.
I think we are all digressing and focussing on the rioters. Whilst they should all be strung up and jailed long time.

The main point of discussion was this abhorrant act by one person alone.
So you allow someone who's bludgeoned 50 people to death to live just because he's mentally ill.

Id say you are not fit for society. Least ive disposed of the threat and saved 50, killed the bad one. But i guess that's your own interpretation and sanity self check that you warrant your existence in society? Bury the issue under the carpet? Deny deny.

That rings a bell?

Crack on.
People who are ill can sometimes get better. Unless you kill them.

But if you want a discussion about the death penalty crack on.
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He's really stirring it, here. I wonder whether he's got some inside info. If not, his comments are appalling.

Lots of awful attacks are committed by people with mental health problems. Does he not realise this? Would he be making these insinuations if the attackers were white?

If they were white yes I would and have done on numerous occasions

Would you have been to bothered if say er hmm

Yaxley Lennon got kicked in the head after being tazored ?? Or even just kicked in the ead by plod after arrest ?? Would you care ?

( I wouldn’t)
People who are ill can sometimes get better. Unless you kill them.

But if you want a discussion about the death penalty crack on.

Yeah let’s carry out research on the caper by letting em loose in the community ;)

You can put your name down as a volunteer to help em out

Got a spare room after all they do some times get better

Good luck
When you stop calling people out as a racist etc when their opinions do not align with yours i will unblock you, for now id say you're either a poorly written AI bot or just not somebody i want to waste time debating with. Respect you as a human (if you are) and your right to coexist on here, that's all goodbye.
I only call out obvious racists as racists. Farage sent out a dog whistle, lots reacted.

If that includes you, it's not my problem.

Strange how the rwr all call out for free speech but are the only ones that block people.

Truth hurts and all that.
I only call out obvious racists as racists. Farage sent out a dog whistle, lots reacted.

If that includes you, it's not my problem.

Strange how the rwr all call out for free speech but are the only ones that block people.

Truth hurts and all that.

We like to call a spade a spade and don't care about your feelings but don't call a racist a racist it hurts their feelings.
Oh really.. call them what you want, i bet you responded to the your leaders dog whistle to call them dog whistles. Go on be honest who told you about 'dog whistles'.

Do you twitch like inspector Drayfus every time you see Farage?

I bet you've never respected Tobias until he tweeted that, another bet ooh i could be a rich woman here!

Do you call out anyone who stands up and questions wether we do live in a perfect society bereft of mental and domestic violence and conflict?

Do you just nod an listen when it's Corbyn(god help us) or Starmer and or an other none rw party?
That whistle got you didn't it.
I'd have thought describing Farage's comment as a 'dog whistle' would be obvious: a statement with an underlying motive designed to summon the Reform dog's of chaos who duly turned up in Southport to excercise their inalienable British right to riot when they hear it.
I think we are all digressing and focussing on the rioters. Whilst they should all be strung up and jailed long time.

The main point of discussion was this abhorrant act by one person alone.

Both acts need arrests and prosecution..

You can't justify rioting and injured police no matter how you try.
One person who may or may not be mentally ill, a hundred people rioting and attacking Muslims because they assume any crime carried out is by a Muslim.

There's two major failures there for British society.
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