Major Incident In Southport

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It seems abundantly clear that mottie was knowingly keeping an untested, untaxed, uninsured car in Spain for his use for whenever he felt like it.
Perhaps he was also allowing his friends and family to use an untested, untaxed and uninsured car in Spain.
But criticises others for doing the same, because they are foreigners
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Back from a short break. I can see a few people on my ignore list here recently, in fact they're here almost 24/7 the losers i wonder why that might be...
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But criticises others for doing the same, because they are foreigners
It's a legitimate excuse for Brits abroad. :rolleyes:
Didn't you know? ;)
Bl00dy hypocrites!
We now have self-confessed racists, self-confessed deceitful people and self-confessed motoring criminals.
And a motorist who knows full well that the car is totally illegal, and he no doubt allows his friends and family to use it.
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It seems abundantly clear that mottie was knowingly keeping an untested, untaxed, uninsured car in Spain for his use for whenever he felt like it.

Perhaps he was also allowing his friends and family to use an untested, untaxed and uninsured car in Spain.

Blimey, you’re getting plenty wrong today, aren’t you?
Back from a short break. I can see a few people on my ignore list here recently, in fact they're here almost 24/7 the losers i wonder why that might be...

I've just had a random thought. Were you ever on here with an alter ego as berty 3000?
As a MOT tester in UK, you were totally unaware of the legal requirements for keeping a UK registered car in Spain, for 6 years, without bringing it back to the UK, on a yearly basis.
yeah, pull the other one.
You're a proven liar. Why should we believe anything you say? :rolleyes:

I bet you researched the roaming charges as well. :rolleyes:
You never allowed anyone else to use it, or to travel in it?
You're already a proven liar. Why would you suddenly turn into a truthful person? :rolleyes:
Blimey, you’re getting plenty wrong today, aren’t you?
I'm getting it wrong? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I didn't know cars riot in spain and the uk or have anything to do with them.
As a MOT tester in UK, you were totally unaware of the legal requirements for keeping a UK registered car in Spain, for 6 years, without bringing it back to the UK, on a yearly basis.
yeah, pull the other one.
Eh? Where did I say that? I was fully aware of the legal requirements but as a Brit in a foreign country, like some foreigners in the U.K., I completely ignored their laws as was my 'right'. They didn’t apply to me, did they? ;)
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