Stop the carnival

You're just jealous he has a pad in Provence and the French won't sell you a pot to pi$$ in.:giggle:

He's a fair bit further north than that. With France, it's the agents who are the problem. It's almost like they can't be arzed to tear themselves away from their 2 hour lunch breaks to actually sell something. Almost like they're doing you a favour.
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A selection of Hairymelon's ad hominem comments. Not a sensible argument among them. :rolleyes:
Cheering on third world savagery whilst in your cosy country home.
who died ?
Who died ?
It’s because people die
You are out of your mind
We have the usual selection of loopy left idiots defending the indefensible. It beggars belief
I notice noseall managed to get his drunken post to mottie about football deleted, what a cooking weasel. That’s when I asked what sort of man he was , now it’s disappeared
Give it a rest you plumb
it’s the people involved, their ethnicity , can’t you see it , it’s in front of your very eyes.
Earlier in this thread , noseall compared the stabbing deaths to football hooliganism and I asked ‘what sort of man he was’ to say that to the poster. Subsequently, nosealls insulting post has gone. How convenient
He's a fair bit further north than that. With France, it's the agents who are the problem. It's almost like they can't be arzed to tear themselves away from their 2 hour lunch breaks to actually sell something. Almost like you're doing them a favour.
How they manage to eat lunch in 2 hours, I'll never know.
I'd better get back to it, I've had a 2.5 hour 3 course lunch today. :ROFLMAO:

You are doing them a favour! They're earning money from you. The buyer pays the agents, and the Notaire, and the government tax.. :ROFLMAO:
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It’s about time. Do it in their memory.

I'm in absolute agreement. If you want to see a wholesome celebration of culture, why not attend one of our amazing county shows? Perhaps not debauched enough for some, I suspect.
For the record, I've travelled the world (really) and I've always adhered to the rules and customs of every single country I've visited, because that's the right thing to do.
I think that's one thing we can all agree on, isn't it?
Don't forget to be on good terms with the local mayor too.
lol. My mate has a remote villa up a hill near a village called Modolo in Sardinia. The water pressure is pìss poor anyway so it has to trickle up the hill into some tanks in the villa basement. When you turn a tap or flush the loo, it is pumped from the holding tanks like it is in a caravan. His water is pumped up from the village. The pump breaks down every so often and when it does, the only way he can get water is to speak to the Mayor and he orders a tanker to go up and fill his tanks.
lol. My mate has a remote villa up a hill near a village called Modolo in Sardinia. The water pressure is pìss poor anyway so it has to trickle up the hill into some tanks in the villa basement. When you turn a tap or flush the loo, it is pumped from the holding tanks like it is in a caravan. His water is pumped up from the village. The pump breaks down every so often and when it does, the only way he can get water is to speak to the Mayor and he orders a tanker to go up and fill his tanks.
Yes, but his valid answer to every little niggle he encounters is, 'Yeah, but I'm in Sardinia!'. Lol
It’s about time. Do it in their memory.

The Carnival is a kind of commemoration to the murder of Kelso Cochrane back in 1959 during the race riots.
He died after a racially motivated attack on Southam Street.

So you want to stop one annual commemoration for one racially motivated murder, and numerous other racially motivated deaths, in memory of another person's death? :confused:
The Carnival is a kind of commemoration to the murder of Kelso Cochrane back in 1959 during the race riots.
He died after a racially motivated attack on Southam Street.

So you want to stop one annual commemoration for one racially motivated murder, and numerous other racially motivated deaths, in memory of another person's death? :confused:
Lol. The argument stopped and people started chatting about their experiences on property ownership in France. You couldn't wait to get the row going again. What is so lacking in your world that you spend you're days doing this?
Lol. The argument stopped and people started chatting about their experiences on property ownership in France. You couldn't wait to get the row going again. What is so lacking in your world that you spend you're days doing this?
It was a response to post number 172. Just 2 posts before mine. :rolleyes:
Do check out others posts before jumping in with both feet, and shooting yourself in the foot, while it's in your mouth. :giggle:
I'm in absolute agreement. If you want to see a wholesome celebration of culture, why not attend one of our amazing county shows? Perhaps not debauched enough for some, I suspect.
For the record, I've travelled the world (really) and I've always adhered to the rules and customs of every single country I've visited, because that's the right thing to do.
I think that's one thing we can all agree on, isn't it?

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