Stop the carnival

Not really. I can guarantee there will be more stabbings at next years carnival and while everything carries a risk including driving, unlike driving, carnival is not a necessity.
Neither is football spectators attending games. It's been proven that football can continue without the spectators.
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Both. Plus going to and from the carnival. Do you think any arrests or violence statistics for football matches are only in the ground between 3.00 and 4.45?
So not necessarily related to the carnival?

Or do you have any detail ?
There are stabbings and murder all year round in West London. Statistically, it is safer during the carnival than not.
So, 7 stabbings and two murders every three days in West London? Gosh, that is bad!
Poss just a little one. A small civil war. Will only get worse as numbers increase and they seek to impose their culture/will and seperate others from their valuables while increasing narco territories.
Reganandcarter doing what he always does best, inciting racism and violence against ethnic minorities.
Both. Plus going to and from the carnival. Do you think any arrests or violence statistics for football matches are only in the ground between 3.00 and 4.45?
Football happens without spectators.
The Notting Hill Carnival couldn't exist without the participants.
Unfortunately, because of wokes like himmy, the wannabe gangsters go about their violent business unchallenged.
:ROFLMAO: As well as the legend that has grown up about me, Johnny2007 now credits me with political clout across the MET.

We need a PM with boll@x and a mayor of London with even bigger boll@x to put a stop to this massacre.
I've told you millions times not to exaggerate. :ROFLMAO:

We're not at war but somehow everyday people die of a violent death and nobody does anything.
We should ban cars, smoking, alcohol, climbing, cycling, in fact, everything that causes a violent death. :rolleyes:
How many stabbings in the same time for every football match in all leagues?
They use broken bottles and glasses, chairs, tables, road sings, stones, anything they can get their hands on really.
Do you? I only have what has been reported widely in the press and on TV. Why the hair splitting - are you trying to excuse it?
I don't know any real detail about the stabbings, you appear to.

Were they BECAUSE of the carnival, or DESPITE the carnival?

You do understand the difference? Well you must, because you have all the details.
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