Stop the carnival

Exactly. If people want to go to a carnival with such a low risk of death then so be it. If it gets completely out of control then take steps to change, restrict or ban it.
For me, 8 stabbings and two deaths is out of control and unacceptable. Tell me, if you were going to a carnival, what would your acceptable level of death and stabbing be?
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Have you noticed that both Notch and Denso resort to silliness when asked to provide evidence for their claims?
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Has anyone mentioned the number of sexual assaults at the 'carnival' ?

edit as I can't spell for toffee.
Tell me, if you were going to a carnival, what would your acceptable level of death and stabbing be?

But, in life, that is not achievable. Risk/benefit analysis takes all sorts of things in to account, including death.

For me, 8 stabbings and two deaths is out of control and unacceptable.
Yes, but again, do you really want to ban everything which could be a risk, no matter how small?
5 people in a house, 4 get stabbed and killed. 2,000,000 at a carnival ant 2 are killed. Which one is safer, statistically?

Give me a link to the address of the house, the five people and the 4 who were killed and I'll let you know.

But, in life, that is not achievable. Risk/benefit analysis takes all sorts of things in to account, including death.

Yes, but again, do you really want to ban everything which could be a risk, no matter how small?
The 8 stabbings and two deaths are just the tip of the iceberg. There would have been muggings, assaults both sexual and physical, robberies, drug dealing, theft etc etc…you know it, I know it, everyone knows it but all people like you do is preferring not to see, hear or acknowledge it because of the culture of those carrying out those acts.

all people like you do is preferring not to see, hear or acknowledge it
I have acknowledged it and continue to acknowledge it, but somehow that isn't good enough for you.

I have repeatedly said that nothing is risk free. Until it gets out of control then people will decide whether to accept the risk and attend, or not. I don't think the stats show that it is out control, but you do. Fine.
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