Stop the carnival

Himmy Dangler is just the same. All for imposing multiculturalism and the violence that goes with it on others. But he doesn't walk the walk himself - no, he's safely tucked away in his decididedly caucasian, peaceful French village, enjoying la belle vie.

I'm alright Jacques! :rolleyes:
You're just jealous he has a pad in Provence and the French won't sell you a pot to pi$$ in.:giggle:
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Notting Hill Carnival is the second biggest in the world, with 2,000,000 participants over 2 days.

Rio de Janeiro is the biggest with 2,000,000 per day over 6 days.

The arrest ratio of arrests to people is well below the normal UK arrest ratio during non-carnival times.
It's also well below the Rio Carnival arrest ratio.

On that basis alone, it could be argued that the Carnival is the safest place to be.

Mottie and others want it banned for their own bigoted reasons.
The Notting Hill Carnival started as a commemoration of the race riots when a black afro-Caribbean carpenter was murdered in 1959.
There were 1,200 arrests at his funeral, and his murder and subsequent events motivated an enquiry into race relations in UK.
There were accusations of police complacency and cover-up in the investigation of his murder. No-one has ever been arrested for his murder.
You are out of your mind
We have the usual selection of loopy left idiots defending the indefensible. It beggars belief
I notice noseall managed to get his drunken post to mottie about football deleted, what a cooking weasel. That’s when I asked what sort of man he was , now it’s disappeared
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So if the carnival is stopped, there will be no more stabbings?
Well if there were no carnival those that were stabbed and killed wouldn’t have been there so yes, if there were no carnival this year, those two wouldn’t have been killed and the others wouldn’t have been stabbed. That’s undeniable. How many were stabbed or killed when the carnival was cancelled?
it’s the people involved, their ethnicity , can’t you see it , it’s in front of your very eyes.
Earlier in this thread , noseall compared the stabbing deaths to football hooliganism and I asked ‘what sort of man he was’ to say that to the poster. Subsequently, nosealls insulting post has gone. How convenient
I don't know any real detail about the stabbings, you appear to.

Were they BECAUSE of the carnival, or DESPITE the carnival?

You do understand the difference? Well you must, because you have all the details.

Denso said this.

"Statistically, it is safer during the carnival than not."

A clear implication that had the carnival not occurred, there would have been more stabbings. When pressed for proof of this, he failed to provide it.
Which to any sane person, is hardly surprising.
A clear implication that had the carnival not occurred, there would have been more stabbings
No, it is safer with less murders while the carnival is on than happened on other weekends when the carnival isn't on. It is statistically easy to prove.
Well if there were no carnival those that were stabbed and killed wouldn’t have been there so yes, if there were no carnival this year, those two wouldn’t have been killed and the others wouldn’t have been stabbed. That’s undeniable. How many were stabbed or killed when the carnival was cancelled?
So no carnival equals no stabbings?

Are you sure of your facts?
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